SOLO - Surakarta City Police have secured 196 motorbikes using non-standard exhaust manufacturers in routine raids held at a number of points in the Solo area, Central Java.
"From routine raids, 196 units of motorized vehicles were successfully secured using non-standard exhausts or Brong exhausts on Jalan Adi Sucipto Solo on Sunday (14/5), evening," said Head of Operations Section of the Surakarta Police, Kompol Sutoyo, quoted by ANTARA, Sunday, May 14.
Sutoyo said that nearly 200 motorbikes were then handed over to the Surakarta Police Traffic Unit for document data and ticketing sanctions were processed.
The Surakarta Police continue to raid brong exhaust vehicles to create noisy or brong Solozeroknalpots and create a safe and conducive situation in Solo City.
"In addition to raids on non-standard exhaust vehicles, we also increase illegal racing patrols to provide comfort for people in Solo. That way, security, safety, order, and smooth traffic in Solo City can be created properly," he said.
In addition, raids carried out at a number of crowded points in Solo City were also to anticipate theft crimes with weight, violent theft, and motorcycle theft.
Meanwhile, Surakarta Police Chief Kombes Iwan Saktiadi asked the residents of Solo City to comply with traffic rules by not using Brong exhaust on motorized vehicles.
"I ask residents to come together to maintain comfort on the highway by not using Brong exhaust on their vehicles, let's order traffic. The Bronging exhaust raid is carried out regularly to create a Brongzeroknalpot Solo City," he said.
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