JAKARTA - The 'Governor Teaching' program part of Ganjar Pranowo's education improvement program is rolling again. This time, Ganjar teaches at Pancasakti University, East Tegal District, Tegal City, Tuesday 9 May afternoon.
Ganjar encourages the active role of students in optimizing regional potential through the existing education curriculum. Ganjar wants students to explore the meaning of Tegal as Kota Bahari.
In addition, through lecture practices in the campus education system, it is hoped that it can also have many impacts not only on the marine, but also on the tourism and economic sectors.
"Because this is in Tegal, I tell you that in Tegal it is from extraordinary maritime affairs. Capture fisheries and fisheries have good cultivation. It can be imagined that students can do practice there, process, end to end is done here and children who care about fisheries are established by the lab, those who care about beach tourism are good, those who care about the metal industry can develop," said Ganjar at Pancasakti University Tegal.
The University of Pancasakti Tegal has 6 faculties and 1 graduate program with a total of 25 active study programs. Consisting of 18 undergraduate studies programs, 3 diploma studies programs, 1 teacher professional program for 5 fields of study and 3 master's study programs with approximately 6000 students and 197 lecturers.
Based on this, Ganjar said that Pancasakti University, Tegal, is ready to distribute superior and quality human resources.
"If we want to develop it without quality human resources, we will pass, you know. So thank God there is a PPG program here, so teachers who want to take the profession are good, I will give a challenge," said Ganjar.
To finalize superior and quality human resource development, Ganjar revealed that the government is willing to carry out collaboration programs with all tertiary institutions.
The program, Ganjar continued, will later be able to improve students' abilities and expertise in developing students' thoughts.
Students are also required to be able to keep up with the rapidly growing times. However, while still paying attention to the existing aspects so that the 'Freedom of Learning' program can be carried out properly and appropriately.
"So up-skill upgrades must be done and I think this is a fairly brilliant development of ideas from those students who are now taking the profession," explained Ganjar.
"So accelerating human resource development is an obligation, an upgrade of the curriculum including accessable educational facilities for all so that our human resources are really ready to follow the changing times, but the environmental aspects are still maintained," continued Ganjar.
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