JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo said, during the 2023 ASEAN Summit (KTT) activities in Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), there will be traffic engineering.

"Of course there are diversions," said Sigit in a written statement after checking the readiness of 91 security centers of Labuan Bajo as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, May 3.

Sigit acknowledged that this traffic engineering policy would certainly interfere with the convenience of community activities, for that he also asked for understanding and apologized if the smooth traffic of the community was disrupted by the diversion of the flow.

"Therefore, it is related to the inconvenience of the community which may be disturbed because there is a diversion, of course we apologize and apologize," said the four-star general.

Previously, the NTT Police Chief Inspector General Johanis Asadoma said there would be a diversion of transportation with a counter-flow system (contraflow).

This system is a traffic control system that changes the normal direction of vehicle flow on a highway due to considerations for the transfer of the head of state delegation from one point of activity to another.

"Please obey it, when it's closed, don't force yourself to enter, just follow what the traffic apparatus has regulated," said Johanis.

Furthermore, motorbikes, cars, and vehicles must be parked in the places provided. Residents are asked not to park their vehicles in any place.

He hopes that international activities can be utilized properly by the community and all parties, so that the name of Indonesia, especially Labuan Bajo, becomes increasingly famous and the event can be successful.

In securing the ASEAN 2023 Summit which took place from 9-11 May, the National Police deployed 2,627 joint personnel from the National Police Headquarters, NTT Police and NTB Police.

This international agenda was attended by 11 heads of state from ASEAN members and friendly countries, as well as about 550 delegations of people accompanying the head of the family. In addition, there are around 300 to 500 national committees across ministries and institutions, as well as 1,300 security forces present in Labuan Bajo.

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