Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo appealed to the public for days and traffic order on the way after the Lebaran homecoming in Central Java. Ganjar himself admitted that after returning home, he had to hold a Eid open house in Purbalingga, Kutoarjo and Tawangmangu and today returned to Semarang. Ganjar said that tomorrow he must return to work preparing the backflow of Eid. "Yes, this is the last vacation, this is going to return to Semarang. Tomorrow, we must return to work to prepare the backflow of Eid. All must be on standby," said Ganjar, Tuesday, April 25. Several further preparations Ganjar have been made since the preparation of the homecoming flow last year. In addition, he also continues to monitor the backflow that has occurred in the past two days. Ganjar appealed to all people who will return to their respective workplaces to remain careful. "Yes, stay careful on the road, follow traffic management rules, so that it is smooth and safe. Those who have followed the schedule of free return flow, take good advantage of it," he said. As is known, at this year the Central Java Provincial Government provided free homecoming programs. Hundreds of buses, trains, ships, ships are prepared to transport travelers from North Sumatra, South Sumatra, Lampung, West Java and Jabodetabek back to Central Java. As for the backflow, the Central Java Provincial Government also does the same thing. The free return flow is prepared by the Central Java Provincial Government for the community to return to their respective workplaces on April 29. The free return flow program made by the Central Java Provincial Government is appreciated by the Minister of Transportation, Budi Karya Sumadi. According to him, Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo was very smart in choosing April 29 for free backflow. "I appreciate Mr. Governor Ganjar, earlier information from the Dishub that there is free backflow. There is a bus and train. The date is smart, namely 29," said Budi Karya when checking for backflow preparations in Semarang, a few days ago.
According to Budi, the election on April 29 was in accordance with government directives to avoid the accumulation of vehicles on the road. "Because that date avoids the peak of backflow. So, homecoming is on 26.27 and 28. Pak Ganjar gives the 29th. So I appreciate the governor," he said.
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