Central Jakarta Metro Police carry out homecoming security up to D+7 Lebaran at Pasar Senen Station and Gambir Station.

"Security is planned to reach D+7. But we certainly see the volume of backflow which will return later, if indeed in D+7 it has been said to be normal, of course, we will normalize security again," said Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Komarudin when confirmed, Tuesday, April 25.

The security of the Lebaran homecoming flow continues to be carried out by joint personnel of 3 pillars in the Pasar Senen Station area on D+3 Lebaran. Until now, there has been no significant increase in passenger backflow of travelers.

"If there is still a high increase in D+7 passengers, of course we will extend it again (the security of Eid homecoming)," he said.

Kombes Komarudin said the concept of a security pattern would be carried out optimally in order to maintain the safety and comfort of the community.

"The point is that we will provide the maximum security concept to help our brothers and sisters who will return from the village later," he said.

Previously, it was reported that on the third day after Lebaran, the number of backflows of long-distance train passengers (KAJJ) arriving in the Daop 1 Jakarta area reached 42 thousand passengers on Tuesday, April 25.

"The majority of passengers arriving in Jakarta are from Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Semarang, Solo, Purwokerto, Kutoarjo and Malang," said Head of Public Relations of KAI Daop 1 Jakarta, Eva Chairunisa, Tuesday, April 25.

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