JAKARTA - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno asked the public to be patient about the news about his move from the Gerindra Party to PPP.
"This has passed the holy month of Ramadan, friends, please be patient because in the next few days there will be an atmosphere of Eid 2023, we are still in an atmosphere of forgiveness," Sandiaga said at the Istiqlal Mosque, quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, April 22.
The issue of Sandiaga's move from Gerindra to the United Development Party (PPP) has been sticking out in recent times. The news of Sandi's move was conveyed by the Daily Chairperson of the Gerindra DPP Sufmi Dasco Ahmad.
Sandiaga several times emphasized that he would submit to his party and support Prabowo Subianto's candidacy as president. However, he often attends PPP events.
"Yes, in the next few days (will be announced)," added Sandiaga.
Sandiaga admitted that he continued to communicate with the General Chair of the Gerindra Party, Prabowo Subianto.
"Everything must be within the political framework of mutual respect, understanding, and mutual friendship in our diversity, of course we will carry out communication, both friendship, in politics and nationality," said Sandiaga.
Sandiaga welcomed the Eid prayer which is no longer in the PPKM atmosphere.
"Taqabbalallahu minna wa minkum. Very happy after the pandemic we prayed Id there was no PPKM and we welcomed it with full victory and restore the economy and pray," said Sandi.
Previously, Plt. PPP General Chair Mardiono said that Sandiaga's announcement to join as a PPP cadre was waiting for Sandiaga's official release from Gerindra by Prabowo Subianto.
Mardiono said he had not discussed the opportunity for Sandiaga to become the vice presidential candidate for Anies Baswedan. He emphasized that Sandi had not officially joined as a PPP cadre.
Registration for presidential and vice presidential candidates is scheduled for October 19, 2023 to November 25, 2023.
Based on Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning Elections (UU Pemilu), pairs of presidential and vice presidential candidates are proposed by political parties or coalitions of political parties participating in the election who meet the requirements for obtaining seats of at least 20 percent of the total seats in the DPR or obtaining 25 percent of the nationally valid votes in the previous election for members of the DPR.
Currently, there are 575 seats in parliament so that the pairs of presidential and vice presidential candidates in the 2024 presidential election must have at least 115 seats in the DPR RI. It could also be that the candidate pairs are promoted by political parties or a combination of political parties participating in the 2019 Election with a total valid vote acquisition of at least 34,992,703 votes.
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