SEMARANG - Central Java Police explicitly prohibits people from lighting firecrackers when celebrating Eid. The firecracker explosion is considered very dangerous and disrupts environmental peace.

The Head of Public Relations of the Central Java Police, Kombes Pol. M Iqbal Alqudusy, said that residents who violated could be imprisoned under the Emergency Law No. 12 of 1951.

"For this reason, residents are advised to stop the culture of lighting firecrackers. There has been firm action, but the most important thing is public awareness to stop producing, selling and lighting firecrackers. The risk is very large and violates criminal rules," explained the Head of Public Relations, in a written statement, Thursday, April 20.

Iqbal also added that so far the Central Java Police have detained 98 people related to firecrackers. He ensured that the investigation process of the perpetrators of the abuse of fireworks continued until the trial process.

Meanwhile, regarding the night of takbiran and the implementation of Sala Eid al-Fitr as well as community activities after Eid, Iqbal explained that the Police were here to serve and provide a sense of security for the community, his party had already deployed personnel in the field.

"Both personnel on routine duty at Polsek and Polres throughout Central Java, plus around 21,000 personnel for the Ketupat Candi 2023 operation. All of them are optimized to secure community activities including environmental security and homecoming flow," he said.

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