The PDI-P still occupies the first position as the highest electability political party. This condition was captured from the results of a survey by Indonesian Political Indicators conducted on April 8-13 which was followed by 1,212 respondents. "PDI Perjuangan 15.2 percent," said Executive Director of Indonesian Political Indicators Burhanuddin Muhtadi when presenting the results of his survey on Wednesday, April 19. Meanwhile, in the second and third positions, the Gerindra Party, whose electability reached 14.7 percent and the Golkar Party 8.8 percent. Even so, the number of respondents who did not vote or answer reached 25.7 percent. Furthermore, Burhanuddin said there has been a tendency to decrease PDIP's electability since last March. He detailed that in that month the electability of the party made by Megawati Soekarnoputri reached 19 percent. Then this figure decreased to 17.7 percent and fell again to 15.5 percent. "So there is a downward trend in the PDI-P," he said. Meanwhile, Gerindra has tended to strengthen since the end of last year. "And the dynamics of other parties in general are still around 5 percent," explained Burhanuddin. Is the tendency to decrease PDIP's electability due to the cancellation of the U-20 World Cup? Burhanuddin explained that the electability of the party made by Megawati Soekarnoputri was greater among parties who did not know that FIFA had canceled Indonesia's host status at the U-20 World Cup. "The more you know the electability of PDIP is getting depressed," he said. "So there is an effect of canceling Indonesia's host status at the U-20 World Cup. This proves that there are indications that FIFA cancellation has an effect on PDIP's electability," continued Burhanuddin. For information, PDIP some time ago did speak out regarding the presence of the Israeli national team at the U-20 World Cup. Two of their regional heads, namely the Governor of Central Java Ganjar Pranowo and the Governor of Bali Wayan Koster voiced the rejection of the national team. This rejection is based on a sense of humanity due to the atrocities of Israel towards Palestine. In addition, PDIP also emphasized that they refused because it was in line with the mandate of the constitution, history, and inter-national relations.
This polemic then ended after Indonesia was canceled as the host of the U-20 World Cup by FIFA. The international football federation appointed Argentina as a substitute.

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