YOGYAKARTA The Papuan armed criminal group (KKB) carried out an attack on a team that was searching for Sushi Air pilot, Philips Mark Mertens. The chronology of the attack on the TNI in Nduga Papua has also drawn the spotlight.

As is known, the Papuan KKB carried out an attack on the Raider 321/Galuh Taruna Infantry Battalion. They were a team deployed to search for the whereabouts of the Susi Air pilot. The attack took place in the Mugi-Mam area of Nduga Regency on Saturday, April 15. As a result, one TNI soldier died.

He is Pratu Miftahul Arifin. The TNI soldier is said to have been shot during an ambush," explained TNI Chief of General Staff (Kasum) Lt. Gen. Bambang Ismawan.

The chronology of the attack on the TNI by the Papuan KKB to the point of aborting Miftahul Arifin was also explained by the Head of the Indonesian Armed Forces Information Center (Kapuspen) Rear Admiral (Laksda) Julius Widjojono. In his press conference, he explained that the team had difficulty reaching the location because of the uncertain weather.

"As of Sunday at 14.03 WIB, I have received only one person physically. Only one person is on behalf of Pratu Arifin. We have not received any other information because it is difficult to reach the location due to uncertain weather," explained Julius at the TNI Puspen Journalists Center, TNI Headquarters, Cilangkap, East Jakarta, Sunday, April 16.

Meanwhile, Pratu Arifin died on Saturday, April 15 at 16.30 WIT. Initially, Pratu Arifin and his entourage of Battalion R 321/GT assigned to Mugi. They are currently sweeping the area to get close to the position of Pilot Susi Air Phillip Mehrtens, who is still under the control of the KKB.

In the midst of a sudden sweep, an attack emerged from the KKB. The attack caused Pratu Arifin to fall into a ravine which reached 15 meters deep. The team had difficulty helping Pratu Arifin because the attack continued to be launched by the KKB.

"When trying to help, but getting a re-attack. Other conditions are still in the deepening stage," he continued.

Regarding the incident, Julius appealed to all parties to wait for official information from the TNI Puspen. He is also aware that there was information about six TNI soldiers who died in the shooting incident in Nduga.

"Once again, I beg you to take information from us so that we don't get confused," he said again.

Most recently, TNI Commander Admiral Yudo Margono entered Papua on Monday, April 17. Commander Yudo explained that in this incident several TNI soldiers were hit by gunshot wounds and slipped into a ravine due to a tilted terrain when they were trapped during a shootout with the KKB.

"Yes, there were wounds from gunfire, some fell onto the mat because the terrain was tilted, so they saw conditions like that and slipped. We have evacuated 3 gunshot wounds," Yudo said in a virtual press conference, Tuesday, April 18.

The three soldiers who were shot have also received treatment and are self-aware.

"Alhamdulillah, everyone is in good health because I still say 'good afternoon Commander', so they are still conscious. There are also those who greet the command, so it means that Alhamdulillah they are still conscious, (hopefully, ed) they can recover and recover," said Yudo Margono.

In addition to the chronology of the TNI attack on Nduga, visit VOI.ID for other news updates.

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