YOGYAKARTA Former Chairman of the Democratic Party who was convicted of corruption in the National Training and Sports School Education Center (P3SON) Project in Hambalang, Anas Urbaningrum was declared free from Sukamiskin Prison on Tuesday, April 11, 2023 afternoon.

The politician from Blitar is conditional free through the leave integration program before release (CMB) which is a coaching program outside the prison before being pure free.

So, what is conditional free? Check out the full information below.

Conditional release is a coaching program to integrate narapinda and children into people's lives after meeting the specified requirements.

This is stated in Article 1 Paragraph (6) of the Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia Number 7 of 2022 concerning the Second Amendment to the Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Number 3 of 2018 concerning Terms and Procedures for Granting Remissions, Assimilation, Leave to Visit Families, Conditional Release, Leave Ahead of Freeness, and Conditional Leave.

Conditional free programs can be obtained by prisoners who have served at least two-thirds of their criminal period. With the provision that the two-thirds of the criminal period is at least nine months.

Conditional releases must be beneficial for prisoners and children and their families and given taking into account the interests of security, public order, and the sense of justice of the community.

What Are Syara-Syara's Conditions For Conditional Liberation?

According to Permenkumham Number 7 of 2022, the conditions for parole are as follows:

In addition, parole can also be given to prisoners as long as they have completed several documents, as stated in Article 83 Paragraph (1) of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Number 7 of 2022. Some of these documents include:

1. Copy of the quote from the judge's decision and the minutes of the implementation of the court's decision

2. Report on development development in accordance with the inmate coaching assessment system signed by the Head of Prison

3. Community research reports made by the Community Guidelines known by the Head of Prisons

4. A notification letter to the state prosecutor regarding the plan to propose the granting of Conditional Release to the correctional prisoners concerned

5. A copy of register F from the Head of Prison

6. Copy of the list of changes from the Head of Prison

7. A statement from the inmate will not commit an act that violates the law

8. A letter of guarantee of the ability of the family, guardian, Social Institution, government agency, private agency, or foundation known by the lurah, village head, or other names stating that:

That's information about what conditional freedom was obtained by the convict of corruption in the Hambalang Anas Urbaningrum. To get other interesting news, keep reading VOI.ID.

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