JAKARTA - Director of Academic Reputation and Student Affairs at Sebelas Maret University (UNS), Sutanto spoke up regarding the frozen UNS Board of Trustees (MWA) by the Ministry of Education and Culture.

He said that MWA as an internal regulation within UNS should not conflict with statutory regulations. Therefore, it is necessary to rearrange MWA UNS.

"MWA as an organ within UNS in carrying out its duties and authorities is contrary to statutory regulations, so it is necessary to arrange it", he said in Solo, Monday, April 3, which was confiscated by Antara. Sutanto said, as a follow-up to this, the authority of the UNS MWA is currently held by the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, Nadiem Makarim.

Regarding the continuation of the UNS rector election, according to him, it is also the ministerial authority.

The frozen MWA UNS is contained in Permendikbud, Research and Technology Number 24/2023 concerning the Arrangement of Internal and Organ Regulations in the UNS Environment on March 31, 2023. One of the UNS MWA members, Mahendra Wijaya, was asked to be reluctant to respond to the ministerial regulation.

"I haven't read it yet, I just found out this morning", he said in Solo.

However, he admitted that MWA had received a letter containing the ministerial regulation. However, he was reluctant to provide more information regarding this matter.

"No, no. I want something, I'm sorry", he said. Even though he hasn't given much information, he admits that he will read carefully first.

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