The joint SAR team is still searching for Junaedi, a victim of a Tubrukan tugboat accident with an orchid 1 fishing boat in Sungailiat waters, Bangka Regency on Monday, April 3. This search is the second day after the Pangkalpinang SAR Office received information on Sunday, April 2.

Previously, on Sunday at around 05.00 WIB, the accident of the Anggrek 1 fishing boat was hit by a tugboat holding a barge, resulting in the natural orchid 1 breaking and sinking.

Two crew members (ABK) of the orchid 1 ship were rescued by a compreng ship at the scene. Meanwhile, a crew member named Junaidi (18) allegedly drowned.

Head of the Pangkalpinang SAR Office, I Made Oka Astawa explained, the search was divided into 4 SRUs or teams.

"The area of the overall search area is 42 Nm2 with four teams," said I Made in a statement received by VOI, Monday, April 3.

The search involved several SAR elements including Polair Polres Bangka, Sat Brimob Company 1 Yon A Sungailiat, Babinsa TNI AD, Babinkamtibmas, BPBD Kab. Bangka, Kawarda Kep.Babel, Saka Sar Pangkalpinang, Laskar Sekaban Orari Kab.Bangka, and the Community.

"The second search is expected to be found by the victim quickly," he said.

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