JAKARTA One of the members of Densus 88 Anti-Terror Police, First Brigadier SIW, was reported by his own wife, YD, to the National Police Headquarters Propam. SIW was reported on suspicion of infidelity and being involved in abortion. The report was recorded in the Acceptance of Propam Complaint Letter Number: SPSP2/877/II/2023/Bagyanduan

"Complaints on allegations of infidelity with several women, online gambling, impregnating female guides (LC) to abortion and using methamphetamine," YD said when confirmed, Friday, March 31.

YD recounted that the beginning of his problem with her husband, First Brigadier SIW, finally reported to the National Police Headquarters Propam.

It all started with his biological son who was sick, suddenly wanted to contact SIW. However, the person concerned did not answer the call.

"September (2022), my son woke up who was being treated at Brimob Kelapa Dua, suddenly woke up at 8 pm, wanting to call his father but he couldn't be contacted," he said.

"I'm using a find iPhone, he's at Cafe Metro, Lampung. Iseng opens an IG cafe, it turns out that my husband is sitting at the table with the LC," he continued.

When her husband returned, after her work in Lampung. SIW met YD to apologize for what he did.

YD also admitted that he found a cellphone different from the one usually used by her husband. When checked, it turned out that several conversations were found with a number of women.

"Then she (Briptu SIW) apologized. I thought case close, it turned out to be still in touch. (Even) she was pregnant. I know she was pregnant in October (2022) because it was a cellphone. " he said.

Long story short, YD continues to communicate with LC women. She continues to curse the woman who is suspected of being her husband's mistress.

"We have communicated, only the contents were cursing, finally she had an abortion on November 12, 2022. The girl told me, 'you've done it, just send a photo of blood' on November 12,'" he said.

In addition to the case of infidelity that led to abortion, YD revealed that he also did online gambling and used methamphetamine. This was known after seeing proof of his independent account transfer and her husband's cellphone conversation.

"My husband is an official in Lampung, January (2023) he was transferred because of a pregnant case. He was transferred to Solo. When he was in Surabaya, at his mother's official residence, February 2. There was a chat at 4 am, he chatted me 'what do I use? 'Pake sugar',' he said.

"He's also online gambling, right, he transfers using my independent clothes. There is proof of transfer, I have all of them," he added.

On that basis YD reported to the Propam Division of the National Police Headquarters. Because according to him, the actions taken by her husband were quite excessive.

However, when he wanted to report to Headquarters, YD said, SIW had challenged him by saying the report would not be received because he was also a member of the police.

"I told him, I'll report it! 'If you want to report it, I'm the police. Elu reports to the police 'coklat remains brown, the Netherlands remains the Netherlands' You won't be able to, unless you have a star backing,' he said.

YD still decided to continue to report her husband to the National Police Headquarters, for further action.

"My hope is that my mentality will be destroyed. I married to find peace, but marriage is not calm, there are too many unstableness in him. So far he's been cheating on him, it's okay, but he uses methamphetamine when my child is being treated. That's enough," he concluded.

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