YOGYAKARTA - Identity politics issues are blowing widely closer to the 2024 General Election. If you reflect on previous democratic parties, identity politics also colored the 2019 Election. What is identity politics and examples?

The 2024 election, which is only waiting for the next few months, is overshadowed by identity politics. Political elites will use identity politics to build time support. The goal is that in the election time you can get a lot of support or votes from the community.

Identity politics, which is usually used by political elites, is to use religious, ethnic, and ethnic similarities. The nuances of identity politics will feel closer to election time. Sensitive issues related to some of the above things will often be fried on social media. Therefore, people need to know what identity politics is and be aware of it.

Identity politics in general refers to socio-political activities and movements. Both movements are carried out individually and in groups. Political elites will use their identities to seek wider recognition from the public in order to gather vote support.

Definition of identity politics is formed from two words, namely political' and identity'. Based on the book Social History of Islamic Education published by Guepedia issuers, identity or identity is recognition of a particular individual or group which is a thorough unit marked by the entry of one particular group or group.

The merging or involvement of the group is based on the equality of an identity. Identity equations can come from various things, such as religion, gender, ethnicity, race, profession and others. Identity politics is then used as a way for a group's parents to gain public recognition on the basis of their identity.

A number of experts have also conveyed a definition of identity politics. Achmad Fachrudin, through the book Conflict Politics, Identity, states that identity politics is a political sect involving a person or community group who has characteristics in common, ranging from religion, ethnicity, gender, ethnicity, and gender.

Abdillah in the book Politics of Ethnic Identity (2002) explains that identity politics is a political basis whose main study is conducted to gather similarities on the basis of certain identities, such as ethnicity, gender, religion, and others.

Cressida Heyes, in the book Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2007), defines identity politics as a theoretically studied political activity based on the experiences of equality and injustice felt by certain groups.

The real identity politics strategy is lumran and legitimately used in the world of politics. As long as the strategy is implemented in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and follows the political morality of a country. But unfortunately identity politics is often used for the purpose of bringing down political opponents in a negative way.

Identity politics needs to be watched out for by the public because it has the potential to lead public opinion in a certain direction. Identity politics can build public opinion that people who do not have identity similarities with them are inappropriate to become a leader.

Even excessive identity politics can lead to fascistism and separatism. If these two ideas are embedded in society, then a country has the potential to be divided due to identity politics.

An example of identity politics is a campaign action that carries religious elements. This religious-based campaign can trigger divisions between religious believers. Especially considering that people living in Indonesia consist of many religions. This issue of identity politics is very sensitive and dangerous for the unity of the state and society.

For example, the high pressure from radical religious groups can have an impact on people who embrace other religions. Minorities will feel discriminated against. If left unchecked, this could lead to divisions in society to the large-scale separatism movement.

An example of identity politics can be seen during the 2017 DKI Jakarta Pilkada. The Anies Baswedan-Sandiaga Uno pair represented the indigenous Muslim community. Meanwhile, the Ahok-Djarot pair represented non-Muslims from the Chinese ethnic group.

That's a review of what identity politics is. Ahead of the election, identity politics is used as a weapon or strategy to gain power.

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