The Karawang District Police revealed the circulation of narcotics and illegal drugs sold through cosmetic stores to cellphone counters in the Karawang area. As a result, methamphetamine, hard drugs, and synthetic tobacco were confiscated. "A total of 16 drug dealers and certain hard drugs (forbidden drugs) in Karawang have been arrested," said Karawang Police Chief, AKBP Wirdhanto Hadicaksono, when exposure to the disclosure of the case was quoted by ANTARA, Friday, March 24. It was stated that they were arrested during March 2023 in the Karawang Police jurisdiction. The police chief said that the drug dealers were buying them in the Bekasi area. Then they resell them in Karawang area by selling them in cosmetic shops, grocery stores and cellphone counters. In addition, Gorilla tobacco dealers also carried out buying and selling actions through social media. As for narcotics dealers of methamphetamine type, the perpetrators got it by means of a patch system, namely placed in a quiet place by dealers or meeting with each other between consumers with dealers, and there were also those using the system through goods delivery services. The police chief said that 16 people who were arrested were entangled in 13 cases of narcotics and certain hard drugs. Of the 13 cases of narcotics and hard drugs, eight cases of certain hard drugs in Rengasdengklok District, Kotabaru and Purwasari. Then four cases of methamphetamine in the Banyusari region, Telukjambe Timur, Lemakabang and Cibuaya.
In addition, there was also one case of the circulation of gorilla-type synthetic tobacco that was revealed in the Lemakabang sub-district, Karawang. During the arrest, the police confiscated evidence of methamphetamine weighing 32.12 grams, 21.440 pills of illegal drugs and gorilla tobacco weighing 58.00 grams.
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