JAKARTA - Rage Against The Machine guitarist Tom Morello became an Italian citizen of honor and was given the key to his ancestral village.

The guitarist became the subject of a ceremony in the city of Pratigile last weekend, July 23, where mayor Giovanni Trucano gave Morello his citizenship.

It was revealed that the star's great grandfather, Carlo, left Pratiglione to live in the United States in the late 1800s.

I have just become a citizen of Italy's honor & received the key to the hometown of Morello's ancestors in Pratiglione, Italy!" morello wrote on Instagram.

Band dimainkan! Anak-anak bermain-main! Lusinan musin Morello bercelah! Mayor mengenakan pakaian blue! Paten gitar yang luar biasa didirikan di alun-alun kota di sebelah tugu peringatan untuk partisan lokal yang tewas melawan Nazi! Terima kasih, Pratiglione!

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