JAKARTA - The band from Bali, Milledenials will soon launch its newest maxi-single titled Precious Me (Feel Any Pain) on April 28.

Maxi-single is a digital download series that usually contains songs from musicians and different albums. This release format is glimpsed like a compilation album.

This is similar to the new releases announced by Nadya Narita (vocal), Billy Sukmono (bass), Made Krisna (guitar), Bagus Aditya (guitar) and Darian Vidaswara (drums) via Instagram.

"Precious Me, Feel Any Pain," they opened.

"28/04/23," concluded the emogaze unit.

For information, emogaze is a unified genre between emo and shoegaze music. Emo has the hallmark of melodic rock music, accompanied by expressive lyrics and contains recognition.

While shoegaze is an indie subgenre and alternative rock that usually contains a smooth mixture of obscure vocals, distortions of guitar effects, guitar feedback, and enormous volume.

These various elements were proven to be present in their various works such as single Acceptance (2020), Permanent Fling (2021), and EP (mini album) 5 Stages of Doomed Romance.

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