Towards the debut album, Rangkai released a new single titled Like Rindu on April 6 today.

This song tells the story of the point of view of Industry that responds maturely to the twists and turns of love through longing. The meaning of this solemn lyric coincides with the lightness of the acoustic instrument with pop nuances.

The painful longing about managing desire. Even crying can be a way to organize desire. Missing is also a matter of repeating the same feeling many times," said Bimo, vocalist of Rangkai, in a written statement received by the editor.

This album will be produced by Ade Firza Paloh who also makes Half Five Records their home.

The match between Rangkai and Half Five Records began with the relationship between Rangkai personnel who met the vocalist that afternoon on August 24, 2022. The night the meeting took place almost early in the morning, their chats became more widespread, deep and high.

In the end, the meeting was held with Ade Firza Paloh's agreement to become a producer for Rangkai's first album.

"A feeling is sometimes rarely present in a manifesto that is real, but in a frame, it is in the glow of light in a detail of the nuances that are in the circle of the eye," said Ade Firza Paloh.

"When making a boisterous voice, the paper is worried and restless about the arrival of answers, whatever is answered, both good and bad, is present in the series of notes they bring, and everything is bright," he explained.

"I believe in Bang Ade's intuition, after observing carefully, Rangkai's works are indeed nutritious. They must be listened to more broadly, God willing," added Abdullah Yusro, producer executive at Half Lima Records.

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