JAKARTA - The experience of watching in the cinema cannot be replaced with the experience of watching with any media. Therefore, the longing for a dark room to watch movies peaked after PPKM ended. Putri Ayudya enthusiastically welcomed him with the film Yowis Ben 3.
This Rini actor admitted that he was very happy and enthusiastic. "I'm really happy that Yowis Ben 3 will finally be broadcast on November 25. It has been announced publicly through the poster. Really excited because the wait has been long," he said when met by the VOI team in the Lebak Bulus area, Monday, October 11.
According to him, Starvision Plus' decision to hold off the screening of Yowis Ben 3 until it can be shown in theaters is the right decision. "This is a wise decision because Yowis Ben is not only talking about comedy and not just about distribution and fans. But there is also a message of diversity that is important because now it continues to be shaken. We want to remind again that Indonesia can be found in a light, happy way , with this form of comedy. Yowis Ben gives the option to look back at how diverse Indonesia is," he explained.

Putri hopes that the presence of Yowis Ben 3 to the cinema is expected to be a strong reason for her fans to come back to the cinema. "Yowis Ben still maintains his closeness with anyone who watches through series on OTT. So we don't leave OTT, but become an alternative to cinema. Everything is more complete, the more screens the bigger the distribution," he explained.
Even though the pandemic had shaken Indonesian films, Putri was still optimistic that Indonesian films would continue to grow because many new films were able to penetrate various international film festivals. "Our resources are still hits, our young generation is really fast, the reception is also international. Yowis Ben also seems to be broadcast in other countries too," he said.
Nearly two years of the pandemic have changed the viewing habits of Indonesian people. OTT is growing rapidly and viewers are getting used to watching it on streaming. With strict protocols, it takes a strong reason to convince the public to watch Yowis Ben 3 in theaters.
"If you feel that our lives have been hard for the past two years, go to the cinema. Do you need entertainment? Yowis Ben 3 offers entertainment that is not just laughing, but reflective. Sometimes we look at our lives seriously, hard. What makes me happy watching sitcoms is 'live goes on' whatever happens happens. Life is just a laugh when Mas Butet says. Just take life lightly, evaluate what needs to be evaluated, and move on, "explained the woman who was born on May 20, 1988.

Putri admitted that she missed the sensation of watching movies in the cinema. "The last time we went to the cinema, after it was opened, it was closed again, closed again, and now it's open again. We remember when it opened the first time there was the Lengger Maut Dance, we immediately got 200 thousand, big but still a flop. Even foreign films that we thought would have high audiences too flop. I don't think it can be in the cinema. As soon as the second one opens, I run to watch it again, after that it's closed again. Only now it's open again," he explained.
According to him, the experience of watching at the cinema is not just enjoying movies. There is a cinematic experience that cannot be replaced by any other experience.
"Culture that is expensive is the one to experience and cinema is one of them. I am a theater child, sitting on a theater bench, feeling the energy of anger, laughter, crying while watching what is on stage, it cannot be achieved if we are only on a small screen. It is very important. to sit and watch, you feel a surround system. Even if we have a home theater at home, the feeling of watching a crowd, sitting still, that focus cannot be replaced, "he said.

There is nothing more important than getting the experience of going back to the cinema. Not many realize that ticket sales in theaters have a significant impact on the creative economy.
"People's purchasing power to subscribe and pay per view on OTT cannot significantly raise the creative economy. With a large film production that has to be shown in cinemas, it can revive the places for shooting. In Yowis Ben 3, there are many cultural elements. At that time, because we were filming during the pandemic, we showed it to a place with a puppet show, it was very quiet. The important landmarks in the area were very quiet because of the pandemic," he recalled.
Film and theater, continued Putri Ayudya, involved many people. Make the economic cycle run well. The cycle of creation rotates continuously.
"There are film workers who work daily. So if we don't shoot, we close their fortunes. So big screen films that are shown in theaters, which audiences appreciate by sitting and paying for tickets legally, it means that you have contributed to so many people that you don't know." see," he said.
Honestly, Putri herself finds it hard to face the pandemic. "This is very difficult. We know that it is very difficult for art workers, who have official venues to perform. It is difficult to help, it is difficult to see. It is indeed difficult for everyone economically. Whether you want to be poor, want to be rich, you cannot avoid this difficulty. The difference is only how long it lasts, how much is the savings," he recalls.
Even though it's heavy, Putri doesn't feel alone. Her artistic soul makes Putri quickly adapt. "In my opinion, artists are the people who can adapt the fastest to the existing conditions. The ability to adapt, survive, and continue to create works is an ability that must be possessed by artists. If you claim to be an artist, you will definitely be able to survive. " he said.

One of the lessons that Putri took was the formation of a community of artists who support each other to get through the tough times during the pandemic. "Yesterday we collected data, with community friends to check with each other. The hard blows during the pandemic when we were not ready were felt. In the first year we became very reflective, so we rearranged our finances and priorities," he said. .
"At first, health was a top ten priority, health was number nine. Now it's up in the top three," he added.
There are new things that Putri initially thought could not be done, but turned out to be able to be done because of the pandemic. "It's really nice that the pandemic has become endemic now. We can overcome it, we don't lose enthusiasm, all the power we have has been eroded to the bottom. At times like this I still love acting. This is a good test to start everything from scratch," he said.
People think that Putri's passion is traveling because she was a presenter on travel shows. However, that's not really his passion. Because of that, Putri judged that what appeared in the eyes was just an iceberg.
"The reality that we show is what we need to present is the feeling we want to share. What doesn't need to be shared, we don't show it. That's a personal space. Filming is like that, what we see is beauty. Behind it is a big struggle of the crew. Everything what we see is only part of it," he said.

Putri told that many crew members who died could not survive during the pandemic because they were not working. "There were many friends who died during the pandemic. Some returned home, as soon as we heard the news, the news was ahead of us. Some of the Yo Wes Ben team also died in the village. I was really surprised, because there was no news that he was sick and couldn't get treatment. " he recalled.
The rise of the creative economy in cinema, according to him, is the solution to this problem. The association has been formed, but in order to stay alive there needs to be a need to watch so that the production will continue.
"If you don't have a need, it doesn't work. There is OTT, you can. But the image is that in OTT with a subscription of Rp. 50 thousand per month, you can watch hundreds of films. watching, it can live a lot of people," he explained.
Without denying the significant growth of OTT, Putri hopes that film production can run in balance. "It's true that what you are doing watching at OTT is presenting a small production. But we also need help to create large-scale productions with great quality. The audience now is not only in Indonesia but also abroad now. The greater the demand, the greater the employment. created," he said.
Optimistic, that's how Putri Ayudya felt when PPKM was stopped and activities were re-opened. "I welcome this happily. Alhamdulillah, during the pandemic, I was able to shoot with strict procedures. With it officially opened we can shoot, with disaster mitigation we can shoot in peace," he explained.
Precisely with the Indonesian film pandemic getting stronger, that is Putri Ayudya's belief. "There is a copy of the light, there is Yuni, there is a revenge for longing that must be paid for completely getting recognition at international festivals. Isn't that proof that Indonesian films can survive and are even better during the pandemic?" he said.
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