YOGYAKARTA Malabsorption is a term for disorder that affects the ability to absorb nutrients from food. This condition can cause digestive disorders and even malnutrition caused by lack of nutrition due to the inability of the body to absorb the nutrients that are eaten.
In the process of digesting food, there are three processes. The first is breaking food into pieces that are easy to digest. Second, absorbing all food and third nutrients, eliminating waste left when all nutrients have been absorbed. So if you experience digestive disorders, the cause is one of the disorders of the digestive process. If malabsorption disorders, cover the second stage of digesting food, which also includes food intolerance due to a certain lack of enzymes in the body.
People with malabsorption syndrome often experience diarrhea as a side effect. This is due to food moving too fast through the intestines so that nutrients cannot be absorbed. In the short term, malabsorption will cause digestive disorders due to the inability to digest certain foods. Over time, your body will begin to show signs of macronutrition and nutrition deficiency, such as muscle depletion and decrease of immunity. Lack of micronutrients or vitamins and minerals, can affect your eyes, bones, skin, and hair.
There are four types of malabsorption, including the following:
1. Malabsorption of carbohydrates
Some people are sensitive to carbohydrates or sugar. You may experience this especially when it is characterized by the emergence of pain, a lot of gas production, and a bloating stomach. This condition is caused by carbohydrates not fully absorbed in the small intestine and then fermented by bacteria in the large intestine. Bacteria break it into gas and short chain fatty acids. Gas causes intestinal gas, and short chain fatty acids cause fatty fat acids.
2. Fat metabsorption
This is the most common type of malabsorption and is not only caused by one factor. Fats that are not absorbed by the small intestine will enter the large intestine and cause fatty feces or steatorsrhea. Oily and runny fats and are very odor. They may be light colored and floating. Fat malabsorption also causes fat-soluble vitamin malabsorption, namely A, D, E and K.
3. Malabsorption of bile acid
Sometimes fat malabsorption occurs due to lack of bile due to bile biological disease, bile ducts, and liver. But sometimes it can be caused by other problems, namely because it leaves the residual bile acid in the small intestine and side effects experience bile acid malaabsorption. The remaining bile salt triggers your large intestine to secrete water, causing chronic diarrhea.
4. Malabsorption of protein
Protein metabsorption usually doesn't happen on its own unless you have a certain type of food intolerance, citing the Cleveland Clinic, Friday, July 28. Examples are gluten intolerance and protein milk.
Those are the four types of malabsorption that are common. Malabsorption syndrome will look like digestive disorders followed by the following symptoms:
If the symptoms above are often experienced, a person can experience macronutrient malnutrition and accidental weight loss. There are also muscle disorders, frequent infections, easily bruises, dry skin and skin lesions, dry and loose hair, dehydration, edemas, irritability, apathy, fatigue, irregular menstruation cycles, and delays in child growth. Malnutrition also arises problems, such as faint bones, weak bones or bone pain, bloody gums, tongue pain or red tongue disease, pale, weak and dizziness.
Diagnosed malabsorption syndrome requires a process. Usually health service providers will check the history and symptoms experienced including whether they have chronic gastrointestinal disease. Some of the suspected symptoms mark malabsorption syndrome, including the texture of fatty fecess and chronic diarrhea, anemia, and muscle segregation. Treatment of malabsorption syndrome is carried out according to medical procedures and influencing factors.
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