YOGYAKARTA Regarding food, chicken food can vary widely. That's why chicken meat is often stock in the refrigerator. It's important to know, the time to store chicken meat in the refrigerator is limited. Although many people think it can be stored a month to a year, but recognize the facts.
Chicken meat is a source of healthy protein. But it is very easy to be contaminated with bacteria if it is not stored properly. That means that it is very important to prepare, store, and cook it. Otherwise, chicken meat can be a source of disease from eating food.
Launching a review of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) quoted by Healthline, Monday, July 10, raw chickens can be stored in a refrigerator for about 1-2 days. The same applies to raw turkey or other poultry meat. If cooked chicken, it can last about 3-4 days.
Storing food stocks in the refrigerator can help slow the growth of bacteria. This is because bacteria tend to slow down to grow at temperatures below 4 degrees Celsius. In addition, it is better to store raw chicken in a leaky anti-peak container so as not to contaminate other foods. If the chicken is cooked, it must be cooled first before being stored in the refrigerator.
Well, if you're going to keep the chicken for more than a few days, keep it in the freezer. Raw chicken cuts can be stored for 9 months frozen. If the whole chicken is still raw, it can be stored for up to 1 year. But if the chicken has been cooked, it can only last for 2-6 months, depending on how to cook.
If there is a change in color, whether raw chicken or cooked chicken, you shouldn't eat it anymore. This is because it may be rotten or unfit for consumption. Like if the color of the meat becomes grayish greenness due to fungal and bacterial spots. Even though chicken meat is stored in the refrigerator, if it smells bad that resembles ammonia, this is a sign that it should no longer be consumed.
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