JAKARTA - Complaining about things that are not liked at the office, both regarding colleagues and office political dramas, sometimes it is a little relief. However, according to the results of the latest study, the habit of complaining about work actually has more bad consequences.

Research in the European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology quoted on the Mirror page, Monday, June 26, shows that complaining about bad things in the office actually makes it difficult for you to forget and return to enjoying your work.

The researchers asked 112 employees to make daily records for three consecutive days. At the end of the day, participants were asked to write their complaints, how much they thought about the bad situation that befell them, and how they exaggerated the trivial issue.

Participants were also asked to record every experience they had that day, rated how bad it was, and recorded their mood during working hours.

The more complaining, the exaggerated the trivial issue and focused on the wrong things in the office, the negative experiences felt by the study participants got worse. Study participants reported their worse mood, and their dissatisfaction and lack of pride in their work increased during the day.

Participants also tend to have a bad mood the next day, and are less proud of their work the next day. This means complaining about work not only destroying your day, but having a long-term impact on your happiness while working.

When participants don't complain much, bad events in the office don't affect their mood or work that day or the day after. They feel satisfied while working, proud of their achievements and are eager enough to work again the next day.

According to BPS Research Digest, researchers argue, this happened because of two factors. First they think reminiscing the incident by constantly talking about it giving the incident a 'new energy', strengthening the relationship between what happened and all the emotions that arise because of it, raising it out of proportion and making it a big and important thing.

Second, continuing to complain to colleagues will only add to the pile of 'garbage' in yourself, which will have more negative impacts. As such, it's better to stop complaining about the little things that interfere with work, because it will only end up with more hatred for work and unpleasant feelings.

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