YOGYAKARTA In a fast era, employees are required to be able to achieve work-life balance. Not only able to complete work, workers must also fulfill various things in the private sphere such as family, hobbies, and so on. Then, is there a way to achieve work life balance in an era like now?

In general, work life balance is a condition in which a person can regulate and divide the time between life in the realm of work and life in a private realm. In the realm of work, workers are not only required to work on time but are fast with the principles of professionalism. Meanwhile, in the private sphere, the status of workers can be released and changed to status as a function of social. For example, during working hours Budi is an employee of company A, while outside of that Budi is the husband of his wife, or father of his children.

Each role has its own time. Workers who succeed in working life balance will get various benefits. Then, how to achieve a wok life balance?

Time management is one of everyone's basic abilities. You must be able to manage the time between life while working or personal life. Often time while working and personally being mixed. The effect is that a worker cannot complete his job or is too relaxed to spend time in the private sphere.

Workers must also be able to draw up priority scales. The preparation of priority scales is able to guide workers who are important and who can wait to be done. The most important priority can be known from the magnitude of the risks that occur, both from the realm of work and from the private sphere.

Lack of focus will make a person feel anxious and have an impact on the obligations that overlap. While working, you are advised to really focus on getting work done. On the other hand, when you are with your family it is recommended to spend time with your family without bringing work from the office.

Those are some ways to achieve work life balance. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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