JAKARTA - Erectile dysfunction is among the most common sexual disorders experienced by men. If not overcome, this problem can reduce self-confidence for men, will also affect sexual intercourse with their partners, and can be a sign of a certain disease.

When a person experiences symptoms of erectile dysfunction, it can cause depression, stress, and low self-esteem. Professor of Urology at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Prof. dr. Ponco Birowo, Sp.U (K), Ph.D., said that there are several types of erectile dysfunction that a person can suffer from based on the cause.

"First, organic erectile dysfunction which is a systemic disease or organic defect that affects the function of penis erection. Several examples of diseases that can cause organic erectile dysfunction, such as diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, and neurological disease," Ponco said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, May 17.

Erectile dysfunction due to hormonal problems and trauma or physical injury is also included in the classification of organic erectile dysfunctions. Second, psychogenic erectile dysfunction occurs due to psychological problems, such as anxiety, depression, or psychological trauma. The third is mixed erectile dysfunction, which is an erectile dysfunction caused by a mixture of psychogenic and organic problems.

"The treatment to overcome this problem is carried out in stages. It should be noted that erectile dysfunction management takes time and cannot be resolved instantly," said Ponco.

First, a patient with erectile dysfunction needs to be diagnosed first to determine the type of erectile dysfunction suffered. Furthermore, from this diagnosis, the patient will receive treatment for erectile dysfunction which can be given medicines.

If drugs can't cure, patient care can proceed to the operating stage.

When a man has erectile dysfunction, the symptoms he feels include difficulty maintaining an erection that is quite hard and long lasting during sexual intercourse, difficulty achieving an erection even though he has been sexually stimulated, and sexual arousal decreases.

Erectile dysfunction can also cause male fertility disorders in the form of the quality and number of sperm produced during ejaculation, a decrease in sexual arousal that affects the ability to produce sperm, the inability to achieve or maintain an erection, and pain or discomfort during ejaculation or during sexual intercourse.

"Ective dysfunction is not a complication disease, but, it can be a sign of a basic health problem or a disease that affects the vascular or nerve system," said Ponco.

If left untreated, erectile dysfunction can worsen so that it affects sexual life and can trigger psychological problems such as depression or anxiety. The overall quality of life can also be disrupted due to erectile dysfunction.

Based on the Scientific Journal of the Department of Urology, the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, published in 2019, of the total 255 respondents who filled out the survey, 35.6 percent of them had erectile dysfunction or 92 respondents. Therefore, men's erectile dysfunction and fertility disorders cannot be underestimated.

Life habits are unhealthy, obese, hypertension, and smoking are several factors that can cause a person to experience erectile dysfunction.

Generally healthy men experience about three to six erections every night. Ponco says an erection at night is the body's method of keeping the tissue in the penis healthy because the penis is a body part that has the skin, but, does not have muscles under the skin.

Diseases in men's urban systems often occur, however, can be prevented by taking several preventive measures such as maintaining a healthy lifestyle and leaving bad habits such as smoking and drinking excess alcohol.

In addition, Ponco recommends increasing drinking water so that the urinary tract is always clean and maintains the cleanliness of the intimate organs. Avoid wearing pants or underwear that are too tight because it can suppress the male reproductive system.

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