JAKARTA - Children who live with their parents or families of smokers have a four times greater risk of experiencing respiratory problems than those who do not live with smokers.

"Children who live with smokers are four times higher likely to enter the hospital due to respiratory problems compared to children who do not live with smokers. So it should be a concern," said a pediatrician at RSCM Central Jakarta, Dr. dr. Nastiti Kaswandani, Sp.A (K) quoted from ANTARA, Thursday, May 4.

Nastiti said that children who live with the parents of smokers can be called Third Hand Smokers. Although parents admit that they never smoke in front of their children, in fact research shows particles from cigarette smoke can stick to tables, sofas, or stick to walls.

This is also included in e-cigarettes or what is often known as vape. According to him, exposure to e-cigarette smoke is as dangerous as ordinary cigarette smoke.

Not only cigarette smoke, other air allergen exposures such as dust, cold air and other smoke exposures can also be a trigger for asthma in children to recur or get worse.

Actually, there are still a lot of other smoke that can also trigger attacks. Like motorized vehicle smoke when heating the car or motorbike smoke into the house can be a trigger, then cooking smoke that can be very efficient. For example, making a very sharp dish with a very sharp aroma and stabbing a nose, for example menumis sambal, "said the doctor with a specialist in Pulmonology, this child's Respirology.

The doctor who graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (UI) said that children with asthma must be properly treated.

Heavy asthma attacks with shortness of breath to a decrease in consciousness will threaten his soul, although the death rate of asthma in children is still lower than other causes of death such as pneumonia and other respiratory infections.

In addition, improper handling can also affect the quality of life so that it is not as good as other normal children.

Karena kalau misalnya tidak terhadap anak asma jadi takut olahraga karena olahraga bisa menyebabkan serangan misalnya. Dia taku berakt aktivitas dengan lebih, kemudian dia juga sering mengalami gangguan tidur ketika serangan asma terjadi pada malam hari. Itu adalah hal-hal yang sering sering membuat kualitas hidup anak dengan asma tergang," ucapnya.

Parents also need to play a role in handling and treating their children with asthma. Nastiti said parents can recognize factors that often trigger asthma in their children in order to avoid the factors of asthma attacks.

If a doctor has provided treatment for asthma, parents need to make sure that their child uses regular asthma control drugs or religious asthma.

The drug must be used usually in the form of fire must be used every day, so parents certainly play a role in ensuring that children use controlling drugs regularly. When children who should receive control drugs or controllers do not use regular drugs, there will be frequent asthma attacks," said Nastiti.

He also said that treatment of asthma can be done independently at home with drugs from doctors in the form of fun or nebulizers that can be used at home. This tool can be used to relieve asthma attacks when children start coughing, breathing sounds and appear short of breath.

Parents also need to observe whether there is an improving response with asthma relievers. if there is no improved response, it is better to immediately take the child to the nearest hospital for further treatment.

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