JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance, through its Special Mission Vehicle (SMV), namely PT Sarana Multigriya Finansial (Persero) or SMF, has again implemented sustainable development goals or SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) launched by the Government, especially the 11th pillar related to the development of cities and sustainable settlements.

This was realized by the construction of livable houses for Low-Income Communities (MBR) in the slum residential area of Kebun Sari Village, Ampenan District, Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). Through the Home Quality Improvement Program in the Kumuh Region, SMF disbursed assistance from the Social and Environmental Responsibility Grant (TJSL) amounting to Rp1.5 billion to fix 22 units of residents' slum houses into habitable houses. The funds were channeled through the New Tunas Community Empowerment Agency (BKM), Mataram.

In the middle of this week, the residents' decent houses in the slum area of Kebun Sari were inaugurated by the Mayor of Mataram, Mohan Roliskana, and the Director of Finance and Operations of SMF, Bonai Subiakto.

After being addressed, the kelurahan, which was named the best urban village in Indonesia in the implementation of the Australian DFT settlement (Department of Foreign and Trade) infrastructure, is now increasingly a model for other urban villages.

As for Kebun Sari Village, Ampenan District has a total area of 14.37 Ha from a sub-district area of 57.520 Ha which stands bordering Pejarakan Village, Jangkuk River and Jalan Udayana Mataram. The determination of the area where the majority of its citizens work as laborers in this area is a slum area, stipulated by the Regional Government based on the Decree of Kumuh Mataram City No. 647/IV/2015 concerning the determination of the location of the Mataram City slum settlement.

Mataram became the 16th city inaugurated from 21 locations realized by SMF. The choice of the city of Mataram is part of the government's alignment and SMF in an effort to support equitable development, especially in the housing sector, in the central region of Indonesia. Mataram is also an area that is being launched by the Government to become a tourist and cultural-based metropolitan city area.

SMF's Director of Finance and Operations, Bonai Subiakto said that this program is a manifestation of SMF's commitment as SMV in implementing sustainable development goals or SDGs, especially through eliminating poverty in order to realize the development of sustainable cities and settlements as stated in SDGs goal number 11. This program, he stressed, is a sustainable effort by the Company to eradicate houses in the slum category and eradicate extreme poverty.

"As a BUMN under the Ministry of Finance, one of our tasks is to help finance housing infrastructure, one of which is to help people to get decent housing. The source of SMF funds comes from the APBN and capital market, and this Kotaku program is a long-term program that we do from Sabang to Merauke, we hope that people can make the best use of this assistance, by continuing to maintain and care for their homes so that they can provide long-term benefits both from social and economic," said Bonai in a press statement, Thursday, July 13.

The Home Quality Improvement Program in the Kumuh Region is one of the strategic SMF initiatives that has been rolling since 2018. Until now, SMF SMF has realized 398 houses with an absorption of Rp 28.75 billion in 21 cities throughout Indonesia, including Yogyakarta, Semarang, Tangerang, Pekalongan, Pontianak, Bukittinggi, Lubuk Linggau, Tanjung Pinang, Makassar, Manado, Solo, Atambua Belu, Medan, Cirebon, Mataram, Pandeglang, Gorontalo, Kupang, Ternate, and Prabumulih.

In addition, in an effort to support sustainable development in the West Nusa Tenggara region, previously SMF had also realized other strategic initiatives, namely Homestay Financing in the NTB Region, since 2019 in Kuta Village, Mertak Village, Sembalun Lawang Village and Tete Batu Village by empowering 35 homestay units owned and managed by local residents. The SMF Homestay financing has been rolling since 2019, cumulatively since 2019 until now SMF has realized the Homestay Financing Program with a total accumulated fund flow of Rp12,794 billion to finance 160 homestays in 18 villages throughout Indonesia.

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