YOGYAKARTA - If you are involved in the world of luxury goods, it is mandatory to know the criteria for goods subject to luxury tax. Let's find out what is included in this category?

Understanding Luxury Goods Tax

The tax, which was suspended in this luxury object transaction, is one of the tax provisions in force in Indonesia.

Where the Luxury Goods Sales Tax (PPnBM) will be charged with luxury goods that are owned and subject to the procurement of luxury goods.

The luxury tax itself only applies to one collection, namely at the time of handing over the luxury goods.

This tax collection is carried out by taxpayers, namely producers or entrepreneurs for efforts to procure objects such as producing goods or imported luxury objects.

Some of the alibis that underlie this tax were inaugurated, a kind of tax equity effort, consumptive pattern control on luxury objects, and protection for small producers.

Usually, the tax on luxury objects is only subject to objects that have special criteria. A kind of certain criteria for goods on this basis:

Some examples of items that meet the above criteria are:

Tariffs Subjected To Luxury Goods Tax

For the applicable law, the tariff imposed on buying and selling luxury goods is as low as 10 percent and the maximum is 200 percent.

This tax is imposed on domestic luxury objects. That way the luxury goods consumed abroad (exports) are free of tax fees.

Payment of individual tax types can also be easily tried with the online eBilling application.

PPnBM rates are distinguished based on luxury goods, a type of class below:

1. Class of Goods with a 10 percent tariff

The type of first group is the type of group that has the lowest tariff, which is 10 percent.

The luxury objects listed in this type of class are some types of public transportation, household appliances, cooling equipment, elegant housing, television, and non-alcoholic beverage products.

2. Class of Goods with a tariff of 20 percent

The first group is a luxurious residence such as apartments, condominiums, town houses and many more.

The initial group requirement is housing in the form of a non-tier title house with a minimum selling price of 20 billion.

As well as apartment residential types with strata title type which have a minimum selling value of 10 billion.

Examples of other objects such as some types of motorized vehicles, photography equipment, some types of fitness equipment, and so on.

3. Class of Goods with a Tariff of 25 percent

Next there is a group type with a tariff of 25 percent where this group refers to heavy diesel vehicles.

Types of Combis, vans, pickups, minibuses, small cargo trucks and so on.

4. Class of Goods with a tariff of 35 percent

Furthermore, it is a group of goods at a rate of 35 percent, this type of item is widely used by certain groups with a fairly large income.

A kind of example is alcohol-free drinks, luxury bags or other objects with imported skin materials, crystals, and split objects.

5. Class of Goods with a 40 percent tariff

After that, there is a group type that is subject to a rate of 40 percent, where the objects that enter this circle are luxury objects consumed by certain groups with fairly high income.

Examples of this group of goods are air balloons or aircraft types without propulsion, firearms belonging to individuals (in addition to state needs).

6. Class of Goods with a tariff of 50 percent

There are many types of objects from this circle, some of the objects below:

Aircraft with propulsion (except the needs of the state fleet)


Private Jet

Privately owned firearms

Revolvers as well as pistols and others

7. Benda Group with 75 percent Tariff

This type of object with this group is a type of luxury object belonging to an individual, where some types of objects are made for sea transportation.

Examples of this group are ferries, cruise ships, yachts and so on.

There are also some types of other groups that are listed implicitly and require certain calculations to ensure the amount of tax that must be paid.

So after knowing the criteria for goods subject to luxury tax, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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