JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) through the Directorate General of Housing collaborates on the management of construction workers' residences with the Archipelago Capital Authority (OIKN) as the first step in realizing the transformation and transformation of work.

"The signing of the Cooperation Agreement (PKS) and Decree (SK) for the Transitional Team for the Management of Construction Workers (HPK) in the Central Government Core Area (KIPP) IKN is the first step in realizing a new cultural civilization which includes the transformation of living and transformation of work," said Director General of Housing of the Ministry of PUPR Iwan Suprijanto in his official statement, quoted Friday, June 23.

Thus, Iwan said, the management of HPK in IKN can provide the greatest benefit for construction workers.

The Ministry of PUPR and the IKN Authority have agreed to jointly manage the HPK during the Transition Period. Starting from the signing of the PKS until the end of the process of transferring the status of BMN use, which is targeted to be completed no later than December 2023.

"The Ministry of PUPR and the IKN Authority have also formed a Transitional Team which will later implement HPK management through two schemes. Self-management during June-July 2023, and contractual in August-December 2023," said Iwan.

The transition team as stated in the decree is expected to continue to maintain synergistic and conducive cooperation with various parties who support the management of the HPK, such as cooperation with BNI in order to realize the digital ecosystem "cashless society", IWAPI and IPPU.

"It is possible that the transition team can develop cooperation with other parties in the future," he said.

The Ministry of PUPR has carried out construction work on the HPK from August 2022 to January 2023. Currently, 22 towers with a total capacity of 10,740 construction work personnel are available.

"Until now, there are around 2,000 workers who have registered and live in the HPK, so this encourages the Ministry of PUPR and the IKN Authority to immediately carry out joint management in realizing governance as one of the principles of implementing cellphones (governance)," said Iwan.

Meanwhile, Deputy for Infrastructure Facilities of the IKN Authority Silvia Halim hopes that this agreement can increase the living standards of workers. "By working together, of course we hope that the management of the HPK will be even better in the future," he added.

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