JAKARTA - The Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs (KemenKopUKM) is intensifying the Digitalpreneur program to grow the digital economy in Indonesia.

"The government is very serious in creating an inclusive, agile, and sustainable digital economy ecosystem," said Deputy for Entrepreneurship at the Coordinating Ministry for SMEs Siti Azizah in a press release, Thursday, June 22.

In line with that, he said, the effort to grow digital entrepreneurs (digital entrepreneurs or entrepreneurs) carried out is to ensure that all people can take advantage of the growth of the digital economy, including MSMEs that are not yet digitally literate.

Azizah said the potential for the digital economy in Indonesia is the largest in Asia. In 2022, the value of the digital economy has reached 77 billion US dollars.

However, when compared to Malaysia which only reached 21 billion US dollars in the same year, Malaysia has a better digital ecosystem. MSMEs in Malaysia are even familiar with using the third party for their digital marketing.

"So, they are no longer busy with digital marketing activities that are very dynamic and take time so that they can focus on production, even logistics matters can be handled by third parties," he said.

Therefore, through the Entrepreneur Hub Program, which this time visited Batu City, East Java, by carrying the spirit to support the acceleration of the growth of new entrepreneurs who are included in the opportunity based entrepreneur category.

In this case, entrepreneurs who choose to be entrepreneurs because they see opportunities, then develop creative ideas, create added value and innovation into a sustainable business.

According to Azizah, there are interesting things in the entrepreneur hub this time, namely from all the targets of program participants, there are some that will be directed into digital preneurs, namely those who have basic interests and skills in the field of the digital economy.

He emphasized that support should not stop only on this new entrepreneurship, but must continue to be facilitated so that MSMEs can access services and of course the existence of entrepreneurs can also grow and develop along with the many interests of their service users.

In addition, Azizah advised that the Entrepreneur Hub program can trigger the development of multi-party collaboration in creating an entrepreneurial ecosystem through various other innovative programs in the years to come.

"This Entrepreneur Hub program is not a hit and run activity, which is carried out once and then abandoned. This program consists of a series of several activities, which of course its success will depend heavily on the commitment of collaborators," he added.

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