JAKARTA - PT Aneka Tambang Tbk. (ANTM) held an Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) and reshuffled the board of directors.

The Company's shareholders have approved the proposed decision from MIND ID regarding the Changes in the Composition of the Company's Management.

In this AGMS, Dolok Robert Silaban has been honorably dismissed as Director of Business Development and Basar Simanjuntak as Director of Human Resources.

Then, the shareholders agreed to transfer I Dewa Bagus Wirantaya from his original position as Director of Operations and Production to Director of Company Business Development with a term of office continuing the remaining term of his previous term. Shareholders also agreed to appoint Hartono as Director of Operations and Production and Former President Director of PT Timah, Achmad Ardianto as Director of Human Resources.

"Antam's Board of Commissioners and Directors would like to thank Mr. Dolok Robert Silaban and Mr. Basar Simanjuntak for their dedication and support to Antam while serving as a member of the Antam Board of Directors," said Antam President Director Nicolas Kanter at a press conference in Jakarta, Thursday, June 15.

The following is the composition of the latest Commissioners and Directors of PT Antam:

Board of Commissioners

President Commissioner concurrently Independent Commissioner: FX Sutijastoto Independent Commissioner: Soz Gumilar Rusliwa Somantri '

Independent Commissioner: Anang Sri Kusuwardono

Commissioner: Bambang Sunarwibowo Commissioner: Dilo Seno Widagdo


President Director: Nicholas D. Kanter

Director of Operations and Production: Hartono

Director of Business Development: I Dewa Bagus Wirantaya

Director of Finance and Risk Management: Elisabeth RT Siahaan

Director of Human Resources: Achmad Ardianto

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