JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) proposed an indicative ceiling for the 2024 Fiscal Year of IDR 48.3 trillion. The proposal was submitted by the Deputy Minister of Finance (Wamenkeu) Suahasil Nazara in a Working Meeting with Commission XI of the DPR today

"We ask for the approval of the leadership and members of Commission XI of the DPR RI to be able to approve the proposed work plan and indicative ceiling of the Ministry of Finance 2024 with an indicative ceiling of IDR 48.3 trillion," he said Monday, June 12.

Suahasil merinci, berdasarkan sumber dana terdiri dari rupiah murni Rp38,9 triliun, Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak (PNBP) Rp21,7 triliun, hibah Rp1,1 triliun, dan Badan Layanan Umum (BLU) Rp9,42 triliun.

Meanwhile, according to the function is the function of public services of Rp44.7 trillion, the economic function of Rp161 billion, and the function of education of Rp3.4 trillion.

He said the indicative ceiling was allocated to five programs. First, the Fiscal Policy Program received an indicative ceiling of Rp40.2 billion with the main output of fiscal policy which effectively affected the economy with a gross domestic product (GDP) value of Rp19,588 trillion.

"There are 41 activities related to fiscal policy formulation services and the financial sector, as well as international diplomacy that can encourage post-pandemic economic stabilization and transformation and amid the threat of a geopolitical crisis," he said.

Suahasil explained, the program's target indicators include achieving a deficit to GDP ratio of 2.16 to 2.64 percent, up from 2.85 percent in 2023, as well as an index of fiscal policy effectiveness and the financial sector reaching 86 on a scale of 100.

Second, the State Revenue Management Program which received an indicative ceiling of IDR 2.4 trillion. It is planned that as many as 133 activities will be carried out related to tax services and PNBP to the community, as well as improvements and reforms of various tax administration systems in order to meet development funding needs.

Meanwhile, program target indicators include tax revenue ratios of 9.92 to 10.2 percent of GDP.

"This is to keep us really able to get state revenues of Rp2,717 trillion to Rp2,861 trillion next year," he said.

Third, the State Expenditure Management Program with an indicative ceiling of IDR 28.7 billion with the main output of the state expenditure allocation of IDR 3,215 trillion to 3,476 trillion.

There are 59 activities related to the formulation of spending policies that ensure the implementation of state services in the fields of education, health, social protection, provision of infrastructure, implementation of priority agendas such as elections and the State Capital (IKN), as well as improving the quality and synergy of central and regional government spending.

The fourth program is the Treasury, State Wealth and Risk Program (PKNR) with an indicative ceiling of Rp310.82 billion with the main output of the implementation and budget accountability of Rp3,215 trillion to Rp3,476 trillion, and asset management of Rp12,325 trillion," he said.

It was stated that as many as 171 activities, especially in the form of distribution and accountability services for development funds, both central and regional, the availability of development funds in a timely manner, as well as maintenance and utilization of state assets.

The fifth program is the Management Support Program which received an indicative ceiling of IDR 45.49 trillion with the main output, including organizational management with 1,080 work units and 78,882 employees.

"The plan is for 553 activities related to management services to support smooth running and service reforms on 4 technical programs of the Ministry of Finance, as well as direct services to the public through the Ministry of Finance's BLU," concluded Suahasil.

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