JAKARTA - Indonesia faces the biggest challenges today, one of which is related to the low quality of economic growth, especially in providing job opportunities for the community.

Secretary General of the Ministry of Manpower, Anwar Sanusi, revealed that the characteristics of Indonesia's economic growth continue to change. Where, domestic industries are more capital-intensive than labor-intensive.

"As a result of the open unemployment rate and poverty, it still narrows some residents," said Secretary General Anwar Sanusi in an official statement, Wednesday, June 7.

Therefore, Anwar said, the implementation of job fair is a very useful effort and contributes to creating opportunities for workers to get jobs, as well as for companies to obtain qualified candidates according to the specifications of the positions offered.

"Through this job fair in 2023 in Palembang City, it is hoped that many job seekers will get their jobs, as well as employers who get their workers," he said.

For information, to obtain information related to employment, such as training, job vacancies, and apprenticeship, the Ministry of Manpower has provided various services that can be accessed by the public through the SIAP Kerja application on the Ministry of Manpower website.

In addition, for job fair applications, services are also available through the Ministry of Manpower domain which can be utilized online and offline, so that visitor data, participants or companies, and job seekers can be documented and reported properly and easily.

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