JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) through the Denpasar Industrial Education and Training Agency (BDI) held an offline IP BOOTCAMP activity on May 2, June 9, 2023.

IP Bootcamp is an intensive training program for intellectual property (IP) development with experienced teachers.

This activity was carried out to grow industry players in the fields of animation, digital content, and industrial internet of things (IIOT). This effort is part of the role of the Denpasar Industrial Training Center (BDI), Bali, which is one of the work units under the Ministry of Industry's Industrial Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDMI).

"The programs that have been running include animated training from 2015 to 2022. The total number of animated training graduates at BDI Denpasar is 9,481 graduates. This program training is based on system 3 in 1, namely training, competency certification and placement," said the Head of BPSDMI of the Ministry of Industry Masrokhan in a written statement in Jakarta, quoted Monday, May 29.

Masrokhan said, every year, the Denpasar BDI Business Incubator manages to build 10-20 tenants or startups engaged in digital content, animation, games, programming-based, and crafts.

"Hopefully after completing this incubation program, the startups can become independent businesses," he said.

There are currently six teams participating participating in the Bootcamp IP, namely Namona Studio from Yogyakarta, Draw (Padang), Kreasilab.id (Jakarta), Guritama (Padang), Lawi Studio (Bali), and Pixli Studio (Bali).

Meanwhile, Head of BDI Denpasar Ali Khomaini said, during the offline IP Bootcamp, what participants studied was the studio's respective IP animation pre-production process for portfolios consisting of storywriting and screenplay, character design, voice over, as well as storyboard and animatic creation.

"After the offline IP Bootcamp is completed, it will be continued with hybrid business incubation until December 2023. This business incubation activity includes mentoring production guidance and mentoring management and business," he said.

Ali added that BDI Denpasar has collaborated with industry, including animation studios spread across various regions of Indonesia.

The collaborations carried out include the implementation of training 3 in 1, the preparation of modules and the training learning curriculum, as well as resource persons in the holding of workshops and seminars.

"Until now, the number of industrial partners in collaboration with BDI Denpasar is 56 companies spread across various regions of Indonesia," he said.

For the Bali region, for example, animation industry players who are partners are Brown Bag Films Studio, Timeline Studio, InDIA Studio, InHouse Studio, and Bali Digital Creative Studio. Meanwhile, other industrial partners in the field of digital content and games, namely Bamboomedia Cipta Persada, Miracle Gates, and Digital Artists.

For your information, the Indonesian government projects the growth of Indonesia's digital economy to reach 145-150 billion US dollars by 2025.

By 2021, the growth of the national digital economy has reached 70 billion US dollars.

This significant figure indicates that the digital economy can provide a large added value for Indonesia.

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