JAKARTA - PT Lintas Marga Sedaya (LMS) plans to appoint PT Pertamina Drilling Services Indonesia (PT PDSI) as a contractor in providing services and equipment, as well as equipment and personnel for handling and closing archesis wells in the KM 86 rest area.

This was done as a measure to extinguish the fireflow which had entered its 9th day at the KM 86 rest area towards Jakarta on the Cipali Toll Road.

"Coordination meetings related to the burst of fire will continue to be carried out until the solution to the fireflow in this rest area can be handled properly. In this coordination meeting, Pertamina EP will assist in the implementation of technical assistance for the work needed," said Director of Operations of PT Lintas Marga Sedaya Agung Prasetyo to the media, Friday, May 5.

Agung added that his party will continue to seek solutions for handling in accordance with the recommendations of competent parties. "It is hoped that this natural gas phenomenon can be handled immediately and the rest area conditions can return to normal activities," he added.

Previously, Astra Tol Cipali together with the Department of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) of West Java Province, the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), the Subang Fire Department, and the Regional Police were securing the location of the fire in the rest area of KM 86 towards Jakarta on the Cipali Toll Road.

The burst of fire, which came from the location of the drill well which was in the rest area of KM 86 B of the Cipali Toll Road, occurred this morning, at around 08:32 WIB.

"Currently, we are observing the bursts of fire that came out at the location," said Astra Toll Operations Director Cipali Agung Prasetyo in a press statement, Wednesday, April 26.

Astra Tol Cipali as the manager of the Cikopo-Palimanan Toll Road apologized for the inconvenience caused by the burst of fire at the rest area of KM 86 B.

As a form of responsibility as well as efforts to handle security and safety for tenant owners, visitors and the surrounding community at the KM 86 B rest area, Astra Tol Cipali temporarily closed the rest area.

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