YOGYAKARTA - The Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI) of the Special Region of Yogyakarta said the level of reservation or hotel room reservations in this province reached an average of 50 percent ahead of the 2023 Eid holiday.

"Until now, the period from 19 to 28 April (D-2 to D+7) for incoming reservations is still at 45 percent to 50 percent," said DPD PHRI DIY Chairman Deddy Pranowo Eryono when quoted by ANTARA, Sunday, April 16.

Meanwhile, according to him, the occupancy rate or hotel room occupancy in DIY currently still averages 20 to 40 percent.

According to Deddy, the level of reservation and occupancy has decreased compared to the 2022 Eid momentum.

Deddy admitted that he did not know the cause of the decline because based on data from the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) millions of people were expected to enter Yogyakarta during Eid homecoming, especially since the implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) had also been lifted.

"This is what we don't know yet. Apart from PPKM, information from the Ministry of Transportation has also been revoked for 5.9 million people to Yogyakarta, but the sign of 'hilal' for reservation and occupancy has not yet been seen in DIY," he said.

However, Deddy targets the hotel room booking rate in Lebaran 2023 to still be able to reach 90 percent.

To achieve that target, according to him, PHRI members have tried to provide the best service to guests accompanied by offers for the Eid promo package.

"We hope that there will be an increase later on D day by coming personally to the hotel, but we urge you to first go to the hotel or 'online' so that you don't get a room in DIY," said Deddy.

Public Relation Hotel Tentrem Yogyakarta Venta Pramusanti admits that until now the level of room reservations at the Tentrem Hotel for Lebaran 2023 is still not full.

According to him, the relatively high recorded ordering rate starts from April 23 to April 27, 2023, with an average of 78 percent per day.

"It is possible that April 22 and April 28 will follow an increase in the occupancy rate. Currently, the two dates are still below 65 percent, but we are optimistic that it will increase in the next few days," said Venta.

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