JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation through the Directorate General of Sea Transportation noted that the free homecoming quota for motorbikes by ship in 2023 has been filled with 2,768 motorbikes out of a total quota of 5,000 motorcycles. This means that it has been filled with more than 50 percent.

Director of Traffic and Sea Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation Capt. Hendri Ginting said that for passengers who registered for free, 6,306 people from the total quota provided were 10,000 people.

Based on data on Sunday, March 26, 2022, at 15.30 WIB, the Tanjung Priok-Tanjung Emas route departed on April 15, 2023, 273 motorbikes and 602 people had registered.

Meanwhile, continued Hendri, for departures on April 17, 2023, there were 1,089 motorcycles and 2,499 people.

"As for the backflow with the Tanjung Emas-Tanjung Priok route, the departure on April 25, 2023, has been filled with 389 motorbikes and 932 people, while the departure on April 28, 2023 is 1.017 motorbikes with 2.273 passengers," he said through an official statement received by VOI, Sunday, March 26.

Hendri said that registration is still served every day, including Saturdays and Sundays, this is a commitment from the Directorate General of Sea Transportation to provide the best service for people who want to take part in free motorbikes by using ships.

Offline registration remains open every day even though Saturdays and Sundays are holidays, we are still open to registration because people who want to register and verify may not be able to do it because they work on weekdays. This is our proof from the Directorate General of Sea Transportation to continue serving people who want to take part in the free homecoming," he said.

For information, the Ministry of Transportation through the Directorate General of Sea Transportation in 2023 will again hold a free homecoming program for motorbikes by ship.

Registration and registration of free motorbikes can be done online and offline.

Untuk pendaftaran online melalui https://mudikgratis.dephub. Sedangkan untuk pendaftaran offline bisa dilakukan di Terminal Penumpang Nusantara Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok Jakarta dan Gedung Cipta lantai dasar Kantor Pusat Kementerian Perhubungan, Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat No. 8 Jakarta Pusat.

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