JAKARTA Lebaran 2023 homecoming is a memorable moment for migrants in Indonesia. Longer holiday times and no more Enforcement of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) make them truly joy.

Many exciting stories were shared by migrants on social media, including stories from migrant workers who had just had the opportunity to go home to their families after three years of being held back due to the COVID-19 pandemic in other countries.

On TikTok, many make prank videos by surpriseing their parents. As in the upload of the @mudik_Blusukan account, a man pretending to be a courier gave a surprise to his mother. The mother didn't initially notice. Until a few moments later, the child who had not come home from taking off his helmet and his mask immediately hugged her mother while crying and apologizing.

Not only emotional stories, many also share funny stories during homecoming and Eid. In fact, a husband who went home from Jakarta to Kediri, East Java on a motorbike, forgot to leave his wife in Brebes.

He only realized that his wife was left behind when he arrived in the Pekalongan area. The man then returned to Brebes after traveling for almost two hours.

Likewise on Twitter. Talks about exciting stories during the Lebaran homecoming moment are often a trending topic. Netray Media Monitoring found more than 255.3 thousand tweets during the period 17-30 April 2023. With an impression of 302.1 million reactions and the potential to reach up to 527.6 million accounts.

"The joy of netizens who feel free homecoming this year can be seen from the many positive tweets that reached 101,006 tweets or 39.2 percent of the total tweet," Netray wrote in its report on May 4.

The conversation peaked on April 18, 2023 or D-1 ahead of the determination of Eid leave. On that date, 48.8 thousand tweets were found, then the conversation declined the following day and began to creep on April 20, 2023.

Travel experiences for travelers using various kinds of vehicles, both public and private vehicles, fill the conversation around going home. This can be seen from the collection of Top Words, such as the vocabulary of boarding, trains, motorbikes, tickets, and also free.

One of the public transportation that is often mentioned is the train mode. Trains are considered to be the right and fast public transportation for travelers. It is not only made easier by purchasing tickets, the view throughout the trip, especially in the afternoon, is considered to be an added value for homecoming comfortably," said Netray.

In addition, many also share the experience of going home using motorbikes when meeting other motorcyclists on the road.

"Buat mas motor vario plat Z yang tadi mudik bersama saya di jalan dari Kulon Progo sampai Taman Siswa, Makasi mas, aksi betol," cuit akun @diostter pada 30 April.

Not only travel stories during homecoming, positive sentiment is also filled with tweets of happiness that tell an exciting experience when you just return home after years of wandering or experience when you go back to your mother-in-law's house for the first time.

Meanwhile, negative conversation generally reveals a bad experience during homecoming trips. As tweeted by @AldhiTR on April 19, 2023, which tells of his cousin's experience having to fail to go home to Lampung because the plane ticket was no longer valid. In fact, there were no problems before.

"Everything is safe, checkin, enter the boarding room, until when I was about to board, suddenly I was told that the ticket was canceled. Laaaamen," wrote @AldhiTR.

Or, bad experiences are caught in the trap of traders who set high prices. Usually occurs in restaurants where travelers rest.

Instead of offering a list of food menu prices first, traders instead look for ways so that consumers immediately eat orders, then set a high price for each ordered menu.

Consumers who have eaten after the order runs out will inevitably pay at the price set by the seller even though it doesn't make sense.

The @adityaRU account recommends that buyers dare to fight the actions of these naughty traders, 'Skipp, bro, don't like to understand that traders who like to trap people going home like this. Asked, the price is even told to eat first, it's just that his character is ugly, it's a merchant.'

DKI Jakarta, according to Netray, has become the city most mentioned in the discussion about going home on Twitter, ranging from tweets related to travelers leaving the capital city to residents of the capital who feel lonely about the arena being left behind by migrants. Then, followed by Central Java and Bandung.

Apart from the location, the figures most mentioned by Twitter activists regarding homecoming are President Jokowi, Erick Thohir, and Ganjar Pranowo. Erick Thohir and Ganjar Pranowo are widely mentioned because they both make free homecoming programs. Erick makes free homecoming with SOEs while Ganjar makes free homecoming for his citizens who want to return to Central Java.

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