JAKARTA FIFA has revoked Indonesia's status as the host of the 2023 U-20 World Cup. In its official statement, FIFA emphasized the current situation as the reason for the cancellation.

The current situation in question by FIFA can be interpreted as diverse. It is possible that FIFA does not believe in the management of stadium security reflecting on the Kanjuruhan Tragedy on October 1 last year.

However, this is only a small possibility. This is because two weeks after the Kanjuruhan Tragedy, FIFA President Gianni Infantino immediately met President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) at the Merdeka Palace on October 18, 2022.

During the meeting, Gianni Infantino guaranteed that FIFA would work in a close partnership with the Indonesian government, with the Asian Football Confederation (AFC), and PSSI to transform and reform Indonesian football.

Or is it possible that FIFA is disappointed with Indonesian leaders who have violated their commitments?

When Indonesia ran for the U-20 World Cup host, there were a series of stages that had to be met, including stadium quality and various support documents. Of the 10 stadiums proposed, FIFA only chose 6 stadiums.

Gelora Bung Karno Main Stadium (Jakarta), Si Jalak Harupat Stadium (Bandung), Jakabaring Stadium (Palembang), Manahan Stadium (Solo), Gelora Bung Tomo Stadium (Surabaya) and Captain I Wayan Dipta Stadium (Gianyar Bali).

Each regional head where the stadium is located then signed a joint commitment as a guarantee that they also approved and supported the implementation of the U-20 World Cup match in his area.

According to the Deputy Chairperson of PSSI, Zainudin Amali, there were 6 regional heads who signed, West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil, DKI Jakarta Governor at that time Anies Baswedan, Palembang Governor Herman Daru, and Bali Governor I Wayan Koster.

For Central Java, the regional head who signed the commitment was Gibran Rakabuming Raka as Mayor of Surakarta. Governor Ganjar Pranowo did not include a signature in the Host City Agreement, which is dated March 21, 2021. Meanwhile, East Java has a letter of commitment as an arena for the U-20 World Cup signed by the Mayor of Surabaya, Eri Cahyadi, not the Governor of Khofifah Indar Parawansa.

"Several ministers and the National Police Chief also participated in government guarantees," said Zainudin when confirmed on March 30, 2023.

However, as it turned out that along with the rejection of the Israeli national team's participation in the U-20 World Cup which was getting bigger, a number of regional heads violated their commitments.

I Wayan Koster refused the Israeli national team to compete at the Captain I Wayan Dipta Stadium. The rejection was then followed by other PDI-P cadres Ganjar Pranowo who refused Israeli participation.

"Panantas FIFA marah karena kita tidak bisa berkomitmen, tidak bisa memberikan jaminan keamanan kepada setiap contestantus," tuturnya.

Of course, the rejection of the Israeli national team's participation is also the cause of the current situation referred to by FIFA. Perhaps, as a preventive measure, FIFA then decided to revoke Indonesia's status as the host of the U-20 World Cup.

Even though he was sad and disappointed to hear the decision, President Jokowi could not do much. He hopes that this incident can be a lesson for all parties, including for national footballers.

"I know, this decision makes many people disappointed. I feel the same way, disappointed and sad. But don't waste energy blaming each other and as a great nation we must look forward not to looking back," said the President in an official statement on his social media account on March 30, 2023.

The President also asked PSSI General Chair Erick Tohir to continue to strive so that Indonesian football is not subject to sanctions, including the opportunity to host other international events.

Erick Thohir also asked all Indonesian football lovers to remain strong. FIFA's decision is absolute.

"Indonesia is a member of FIFA, so for international football matters, we must follow the rules that have been set. Even though it is bitter, not to mention the potential sanctions from FIFA, we must be strong," Erick said in his statement on March 29.

According to him, this is the time for Indonesia to prove to FIFA through hard work in transforming Indonesian football towards clean and accomplished football.

Despite these decisions, FIFA remains committed to continuing to assist PSSI.

FIFA team members will continue to be present in Indonesia in the coming months and will provide the necessary assistance to PSSI, under the leadership of President Tohir. A new meeting between FIFA President and PSSI President for further discussion will be scheduled in the near future," FIFA wrote in its official statement.

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