门波拉希望软件运行监测思想博士论文 UNNES 在体育世界有用

JAKARTA - The Minister of Youth and Sports, Zainudin Amali, became an examiner in the open session of the dissertation of a doctoral program student (S3) in the sports education program of Semarang State University (UNNES), Andry Akhiruyanto virtually.

Apart from Menpora Amali, the Board of Examiners also attended, among others, Prof. Fathurrahman who is also the Chancellor of UNNES, Prof. Agus Nuryatin. In addition, present as examiners, Prof. Tandiyo Rahayu, Prof. Ida Zulaeha, Rumini, Dr. Sulaiman, and Prof. Sugiyanto Ks. MS.

Andry Akhiruyanto as promovendus explained his dissertation or research entitled "Development of Android-Based Running Monitor Software for Measuring Speed, Frequency and Stride Length in Short Distance Running".

This examination begins with reading a statement of the authenticity of the work and is not the result of plagiarism from someone else's work by Andry Akhiruyanto.

In his presentation Andry Akhiruyanto revealed the reason he developed Android-based Running Monitor Software. This is because in the performance sports coaching system there are a number of components, including nurseries, financial support, integrated sports organizations, talent identification, coaches, quality of training, quality of competition, media environment, reward system, and infrastructure.

In addition, it is necessary to develop science and technology (IPTEK) in the field of sports or sport science in supporting the training process of athletes so that they get maximum results. One of them is in athletics in the short distance running number.

"From these problems Promovendus conducted several studies, analyzed needs, from the analysis of existing needs found several studies from this dissertation. First, theoretically, three parameters are found to determine the performance of short distance runners to get maximum results, including speed, stride length and number of steps, "he said.

According to him, so far the coaches and athletes based on their findings in the field that the measuring instrument for short distance running speed that is often used is a stop watch.

Even though the stop watch can only show the duration of time it has reached a certain distance and cannot see parameters such as speed, stride length and number of steps.

Therefore, Promovendus developed Running Monitor software based on the Android Operating System to measure frequency speed and stride length in short sprints. Where the system uses the Android OS which is widely used on smartphones.

"Android-based Running Monitor Software is an application program development that can later provide an overview to coaches and athletes about running performance, which has been carried out based on three parameters performed while running," he explained.

Andry Akhiruyanto claims that his Running Monitor invention is an application that can pack in real time, so that after finishing running, the trainers and runners can immediately observe the running performance that has been done.

This study uses research and development methods. The research model used was the research and development of Borg and Gall. This study has two main objectives, namely developing (software) products as a function of development and testing the effectiveness of the product in facing the objectives.

"Product validation is obtained through expert evaluations, experts, namely athletic practitioners academics, this is small-scale and large-scale product trials and effectiveness testing. Collecting data using observation techniques, questionnaires and interviews, "he explained.

While related to research results, he has conducted field experiments with a runner who uses a Running Monitor. Runners cover a distance of 109 M, it can be seen that the speed taken is a maximum of 23.46 m / s, duration of time is 11.06 seconds, step length is 1.8 m, number of steps is 55.52, 1 second produces 5.020 steps and for 1 step it takes 0.199. second.

With these findings, Andry Akhiruyanto has patented books with ISBN, Sprint Analyzer and intellectual property rights.

“I have registered this Sprint A product on Google Playstore. Because now people use Android a lot, so it is easier for people to download Sprint A, ”he explained.

Menpora Amali in the test asked Andry Akhiruyanto a number of questions. Among other things, related to the positioning of this software, its placement in the national sports design that is currently being drafted by the government.

In addition, the Menpora also questioned the reason why Promovendus chose aprint as the object of research, even though there are other sports that are popular and more marketable in marketing their applications.

After listening to the explanation and answers from Andry Akhiruyanto, Menpora Amali admitted that he was satisfied and appreciated the innovations made in developing science and technology, especially in the field of sports or sports science.

"This is a very positive contribution to the development of our sport, especially now that we already have a big design or a grand design for national sports," said Menpora Amali.

Menpora Amali is ready to help to secure the software at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights if there is a difficulty. "Once again this is very useful and this is an innovation in the form of a contribution to the development of science and technology in the field of sports," he explained.