UniPin Share Tips To Start Careers In The Esports Industry

JAKARTA - UniPin Community is again organizing webinars to educate students to be able to understand more deeply about the ins and outs of the esports community.

Raising the topic of 'Unlocking Gateway to Gaming & Esports Careers: HR Insights, Tips, Expertise for Professional Journey', Arya Bintang as Global VP of HRGA UniPin shared knowledge about career paths in the esports industry.

Arya explained that the gaming industry and esports are more than just athletes or talents in front of the screen. Behind that, many job opportunities are open in the gaming and esports sectors.

"There is HR, there is finance, there is marketing, even big gaming companies may have their own psychologists. Then there are researchers, gaming writers, lawyers, and others," he said.

So according to him, to enter the esports industry, it can come from various faculties, maybe these professions are more able to relate to the divisions needed.

Although experience is one of the big considerations for HRD, education is still the main consideration in choosing candidates. Arya explained some of the main skills, namely hard skills and soft skills needed in the world of work, especially the gaming industry.

"Hard skills or technical skills are obtained from formal education, training, or certification. In addition, soft skills are also important. Indeed, this is easy and difficult because based on experience from the environment, for example about honesty and leadership capabilities," said Arya.

However, Arya added, another thing that is no less important in the work search process is about personal branding.

"We talent people usually see candidates, apart from CV, we also see LinkedIn. There, please friends, just write down the organizational experience, experience participating in any activities, also dealing with colleagues, looking for connections, then friends can find the work they want with references to these connections," he concluded.