Recently Revealed, Father Raped His Biological Child Since Elementary School Finally Arrested By Police
PEKANBARU - A father's behavior in Tenayan Raya District, Pekanbaru City is depraved. He has the heart to rape his own biological child many times.
The victim's initials ZA, who is now 16 years old, has been molested by his father AAI (41) since he was in elementary school (SD).
The head of the Tenayan Raya Police, Kompol Bagus Harry Priyambodo, explained that the depraved incident was finally discovered by the victim's mother on Tuesday.
"The victim's mother received a report from her family informing her that her husband had had intercourse with her child. Receiving this information, the victim's mother returned home to confirm the truth of the information," said Bagus, Friday, August 4.
According to his son's confession, the suspect did this while his mother was working. The victim admitted that he always received threats from his father if he told his mother or someone else about the act.
Hearing his son's confession, the victim's mother and her family reported this to the police. Armed with the report, the police immediately went to the victim's house and managed to secure the suspect AAI and was taken to the Tenayan Raya Police.
"In his confession, the suspect committed the immoral act because he was lust while sleeping with his son," he said.
Suspect AAI was charged with Article 82 paragraph (3) or Article 81 paragraph (2) of Law Number 17 of 2016 concerning Child Protection in conjunction with Article 76 D of Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning amendments to Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection.