East Java Governor Improves Sea Transportation Services And Connectivity

East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa is committed to improving sea transportation services and connectivity in East Java.

"Improving the capacity and service of the Probolinggo City Port is important because the port has a very important role in supporting the smooth distribution of logistics from and to the East Java region as well as from and to various countries," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, August 3.

In addition, he continued, the Port of Probolinggo City is also a strategic location to help Tanjung Perak Port and has great potential as a gateway from its hinterland areas which include Probolinggo, Jember, Pasuruan, Situbondo and Lumajang.

"The level of use or Berth Occupancy Ratio (BOR) of Pier 2 of Probolinggo Port in 2022 is already 68 percent with a total loading and unloading volume of 2 million tons and has the potential to increase in 2023," he said.

In accordance with the provisions in the Decree of the Director General of Sea Transportation Number: UM.002/38/18/DJPL-11 concerning Port Operational Service Performance Standards, the performance value of the dock above 70 percent needs to be developed.

"For this reason, the East Java Provincial Government through the Transportation Service in the 2023 Fiscal Year will develop the Probolinggo Port," he said.

Probolinggo Port development includes an extension of Pier 2 of 92 x 31 m2, capacity building to 50,000 DWT on the front and 20,000 DWT on the back. Currently, Pier 2 is existing measuring 305 x 31 m2 with a capacity of 25,000 DWT on the front side and 20,000 DWT on the back.

In addition, there will also be an extension of Pier 1 of 15 x 30 m2 with an increased capacity to 10,000 DWT both on the front and rear sides. The existing 1 Pier is currently measuring (93 x 18.5) with a capacity of 1,000 DWT both on the front and rear and (43 x 30) m2 with a capacity of 10,000 DWT.

The East Java Provincial Government will also build 1 closed warehouse unit measuring 100 x 60 m2 as a complement to 2 existing closed warehouse units measuring 60 x 24 m2.

"We also carried out this development in order to improve services because the Probolinggo Port is also projected to serve pioneer shipping transportation such as Probolinggo-Pulai Giliketapang-Gilimandangin-Trunojoyo Taddan-Branta Island," he said.

The pioneering shipping service is also expected to support tourism access to Gili Iyang Island, then mountains on Bromo, as well as beach tourism / snorkling on Gilikatapang Island.

The former Minister of Social Affairs said that the development of the Probolinggo Port is expected to reduce the density of Tanjung Perak Port because the Probolinggo port is capable of helping loading and unloading for the Pasuruan Probolinggo Situbondo - Bondowoso area and its surroundings.

"We are optimistic that the development and improvement of ports in Probolinggo City will further improve the economy and facilitate community mobility," he said.