DLHK DIY Appoints 10 Pilot Villages Managing Independent Waste

YOGYAKARTA - The Yogyakarta Special Region Environment and Forestry Service (DLHK) (DIY) appointed ten pilot villages related to the reduction and management of waste independently in this province.

"Later, we will use the village as a pilot that the waste is finished at the village level," said DLHK DIY Head Kuncoro Cahyo Aji as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 2.

The ten pilot villages are Sinduharjo, Sardonoharjo, Puriharjo, Purwomartani, Munomartani, and Pandowoharjo villages in Sleman Regency, as well as Wirokerten, Tamanan, Srigading, and Srihardono villages in Bantul Regency.

The waste management in the ten pilot villages, he said, is in collaboration with SPEAKERS (Indonesian Alternative Communications Education Study Strategy) through the Green Jogja Program and Voices For Just Climate Action (VCA).

In the pilot village, waste management is being carried out which can be completed at the sub-district level along with the development of "Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle Waste Management Sites (TPS3R)".

"People like it or not must have a level of participation to sort from the kitchen moving to the front door of each house," he said.

According to Kuncoro, the garbage at the door of each house in the ten pilot villages independently of the waste will be assisted by the distribution to active TPS3R from the 10 villages.

"So later it can be done there (TPS3R). For effectiveness, this TPS3R has some assistance for transportation equipment, then the waste processor at TPS3R," he said.

He hopes that the program will be able to reduce the waste that is included in the Piyungan Regional Final Disposal Site (TPA), Bantul.

The Jogja Hijau program is a concept of environmental management based on four aspects, namely energy conservation, water conservation, waste management and domestic waste management independently and land utilization.

"Through this empowerment, the community will benefit from the managed environment," he said.

Meanwhile, Director of Indonesian SPEAKs Wiwit Heris Mandari explained that the Voices For Just Climate Action (VCA) program is an action program to overcome climate change that is just.

Together with Slum Dwellers International (SDI), his party moved to start voicing climate change from people who could cooperate with the government.

Through the VCA program, Indonesian SPEAKers collaborate as well as learn from the DIY Regional Government regarding climate change, one of which is by building action with the community to overcome waste problems.

"We understand that at this time we all have to face waste in a different way. Earlier we met with the Deputy Governor of Yogyakarta, many directions have been given to how later we can work together," he said.