Age How Many Teenagers Are Allowed To Date? Parents Must Know

JAKARTA - The age where teenagers start developing romantic attractions to the opposite sex varies widely from one child to another. Some children may start showing interest in having a boyfriend since the age of 10. Others can be at the age of 12 or 13.

The key for parents is to always remember that the age of 12 is a transitional period. Where children not only become physically, emotionally, and socially mature, they also start to develop their self-interest. So when children start exploring what their interests are, it's natural to want to date.

As parents who have teenage children, you don't have to worry too much. Dating teenagers is not the same as adult dating. Usually, the romantic relationships that exist at this time will not last long because children are still in the phase of sorting out what they like and don't like.

However, you may still be wondering how to navigate this new phase. From the first love story to the first separation. Here are the things you need to know about romantic interest in teenagers.

Children will reach a level of maturity for dating at different ages. During adultery, teenagers can develop romantic interests. However, they may face pressure from their peers. So it's possible that the desire to date is just a way of proving themselves to their peers, not for their own interests. Try to assess the unique points of your child's development when you decide whether to allow them to date.

Introducing the word 'date' to children can be started by defining what a date is and how old they are when they start dating. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), reported by Very Well Family, Wednesday, August 2, girls generally start dating at the age of 12 and a half and boys usually start dating at the age of 13 and a half.

Instead of dating in two as adults do, most teenagers go out on groups or in groups. For example, going to cinemas, malls, parks, beaches, or other similar places with friends and also girlfriends. So, at what age can your child do one-on-one dating? As a general rule, AAP recommends that teenagers continue to do group dating and that dating is only for adults who are at least 16 years old.

Of course, as a parent, you should consider the level of maturity of your child too. Some teenagers may be mature enough and responsible for getting into the world of romance faster. Others may take more time.