Rescued, Man In Padangsidimpuan, North Sumatra Who Almost Fell From The 3rd Floor Shophouse Claiming To Be Panic

The Padangsidimpuan Police personnel managed to save Julfikri Jambak, a middle-aged man who almost fell from the third floor of his house and shop (ruko) on Jalan Sudirman, North Padangsidimpuan District, Padangsidimpuan City, North Sumatra.Initially, Julfikri Jambak was asked by a shophouse owner named Dedi to clean the plants attached to the shop glass on the third floor."Last Saturday's incident at around 08.00 WIB," explained Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Padangsidimpuan Police, Ipda Andika Sembiring, in a series in Medan, Antara, Sunday, July 30.When cleaning the glass, Julfikri's feet accidentally stepped on the broken glass. Suddenly the victim was in pain and slipped and hung on the wall near the glass.Knowing this, the owner of the shophouse, Dedi, immediately went to the Padangsidempuan Police to ask for help.Meanwhile, officers from the Integrated Police Service Center (SPKT) picket, Samapta Unit, Intelligence and Security Unit, Padangsidimpuan Police Criminal Investigation Unit went directly to the location to evacuate and rescue."Not long after, Padangsidimpuan Police personnel managed to help the victim who was hanging from a wall because he could not withstand his weight. With a tireless struggle, he was finally able to save the victim and take him to the Padangsidimpuan City General Hospital for treatment," he said.The victim's condition was weak and suffered a torn wound to the left leg due to being hit by broken glass windows.Dedi, who saw the incident firsthand, thanked the Padangsidimpuan Police for providing quick help to Julfikri who almost fell from the 3rd floor of the shophouse.The victim, Julfikri, praised the heroic action carried out by the police who helped him.He admitted that he was afraid when he stepped on the broken glass and immediately slipped on top of the shophouse. At the location where he fell, there was electricity below.
"I panicked at that time. I thanked the Padangsidimpuan Police for saving him," he said.