DKI Provincial Government Reviews DKI Working Hours With 90 Minutes Of Flexibility
JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Governor Heru Budi Hartono stated that in addition to dividing the working hours into two stages, his party will also review the entry hours with a flexibility of 90 minutes. This means that employees get 90 minutes of free time from the specified entry hours, but the return hours are also slower. "Regarding the local government, according to the report of the Head of the Civil Service Agency, the MenPAN-RB will provide the application of an initial example at the DKI Regional Government with a flexibility of 90 minutes of working hours. That is, if it enters 07.30 WIB, yes, it will be given a flexibility of 90 minutes but it will add to the afternoon," Heru quoted Antara. Heru also continued to review two hours of office entry to relieve congestion that occurs every hour before entering and returning from work. "Later I will have another meeting, ASN can be divided into two in my opinion. It could be 07.30 WIB, it could be included at 09.30 WIB," he said.
"The Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (proceded) to be given flexibility. I just combine this in the context of eradicating one of them is transportation," said Heru. If it enters at 07.30 WIB, continued Heru, it means that I will return home at 16.30 WIB. But if it enters at 09.30 WIB, it means going home at 18.30 WIB. As an effort to get the appropriate agreement, Heru will later record each Regional Apparatus Work Unit (SKPD) which allows the division of working hours so as not to interfere with public service activities.
"We first ask about the time. Call the Mayor, call the SKPD, so it is planned that we can enter half an 8 and half a 10, in terms of administrative services, it can be anticipated maybe half a ten or something," said Heru.
Previously, the DKI Provincial Government (Pemprov) ensured that trials for the arrangement of working hours were carried out first within the government. "So, the initial stage of regulating working entry hours for the internal DKI Jakarta Provincial Government first. We will try it here, while evaluating," said Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency (Dishub) Syafrin Liputo. According to Syafrin, the DKI Provincial Government has a large enough environment so that the trial of working hours arrangement can be seen as to the effective impact of the trial.