In Oxford, Minister Yasonna Is Supporting The Establishment Of International Human Dignity Day

OXFORD - Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna Laoly mobilized global support to establish Human Dignity Day through the UN General Assembly Resolution. This UN resolution will provide recognition of human dignity as the most fundamental human right.

Yasonna said this while attending a conference organized by the International Center for the Study of Law and Religion, Brigham Young University, in collaboration with the Notre Dame School of Law and the University of Oxford.

This conference, with the theme "Civilizational Perspectives on Human Dignity", was attended by around 150 participants from various countries, who were international jurists and international human rights defenders.

Appearing as the Main Speaker, Yasonna explained that the issue of human dignity can be seen from various different contexts due to cultural diversity, but this does not eliminate the equality that every human being has the right to receive respectable treatment without discrimination.

"Different perceptions of human dignity do not negate the fact that all individuals have the right to be treated with respect, regardless of one's background, race, gender, or social status," said Yasonna.

Yasonna also revealed that human dignity is related to social justice and fair treatment.

"The concept of human dignity is closely related to human rights because human rights create an order that upholds the dignity of every human being," said Yasonna.

At the conference, Yasonna explained that the Indonesian government had prioritized the protection of human rights in Indonesia aimed at the most vulnerable and marginalized groups.

This group includes the elderly, children, women, the poor, and persons with disabilities. One of the programs launched by the Indonesian government is the provision of free legal aid to the poor as a form of equal access to justice for all people.

In addition, added Yasonna, the Indonesian government also guarantees freedom of religion for all Indonesian people. This is reflected in Pancasila as the basis and official philosophy of the Republic of Indonesia, the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, and Law Number 39 of 1999 concerning Human Rights.

As a follow-up to this Oxford conference, Indonesia will host the "International Conference on Cross-Cultural Religious Literacy", in collaboration with Brigham Young University Law School, International Secretariat of Religious Freedom, and Templeton Religion Trust, on 13 -14 November 2023 in Jakarta. This conference was held in commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights with the theme “Human Dignity and the Rule of Law for a Peaceful and Inclusive Society.”

Discussions with Indonesian Students

In addition, on the same day during his working visit to Oxford University, the Minister of Law and Human Rights met with 100 students from various universities who are members of the Oxford Indonesian Student Association (PPI), as well as the Indonesian diaspora living in England.

Yasonna discussed various issues, especially those related to the duties and functions of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, such as immigration and citizenship.

On the issue of immigration, Yasonna explained that currently, the Indonesian government provides immigration facilities for the diaspora and repatriation of ex-Indonesian citizens through an Immigration Stay Permit (ITK).

In addition, the Indonesian government will issue a new policy regarding the Golden Visa or Second Home Visa as an effort to attract professionals and business people to stay in Indonesia for a long time in accordance with applicable regulations,

“The latest policy is the Second Home Visa. Indonesia is targeting quality traversers to invest and provide benefits to Indonesia," said Yasonna.

For ex-Indonesian Student Service Association (MAHID), the government has issued Presidential Instruction Number 2 of 2023 concerning the Implementation of Recommendations for the Non-Judicial Resolution of Serious Human Rights Violations. Through this policy, the Ministry of Law and Human Rights can provide immigration facilities for ex-MAHID who wants to return to Indonesia.

Regarding the issue of citizenship, Yasonna conveyed legal certainty for children with dual citizenship, whereby President Joko Widodo on 31 May 2022 issued Presidential Regulation (PP) Number 21 of 2022 which regulates citizenship.

"With this PP, children born in mixed marriages who were born before the enactment of Law Number 12 of 2006 concerning Indonesian Citizenship, and children born in Ius Soli countries, can obtain Indonesian citizenship through the mechanism for applying for citizenship to the President no later than 2 years after the PP is passed, which will be May 31, 2024," explained Yasonna.

Yasonna advised Indonesian students at Oxford to make good use of learning opportunities so they can improve their academic abilities, as well as interact with the surrounding environment. This will be a provision for the future so that it can contribute to Indonesia's development when he returns to Indonesia.

During this visit to England, Minister Yasonna was accompanied by Secretary General Andap Budhi Revianto, Director General of Public Legal Administration Cahyo Muzhar, and also Special Staff for Foreign Relations, Linggawati.