Bareskrim Examines 6 Witnesses In The Hoax Case Of The Constitutional Court's Decision Denny Indrayana

JAKARTA - The case of the alleged spread of fake news or hoaxes regarding the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) regarding the 2024 Election system has become a closed proportional system involving former Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights Denny Indrayana continues to be investigated.

The latest development, Bareskrim Polri has examined 6 witnesses in the investigation of the case.

"The number of witnesses who have been examined is 6 witnesses," said Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan, to reporters, Wednesday, July 26.

However, it was not conveyed about the identities of the witnesses who had been questioned. Ramadhan only said that the series of investigation processes were still ongoing.

Therefore, it is possible that the number of witnesses being questioned will increase later.

"The witness investigation process is still ongoing," said Ramadhan.

The case of alleged spreading of fake news involving Denny Indrayana has originally gone up to the investigation stage. This means that the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police found elements of criminal offenses.

The alleged spread of this fake news when Denny on his Twitter account @dennyindranaya claimed to have received information about the Constitutional Court's decision regarding the legislative election system which will return to the party voting.

However, the Constitutional Court in the plenary session decided that the electoral system would continue to use an open proportional scheme.