Inaugurate Members In 25 Regencies/Cities, KPU Chair: Prepare Yourself As Well As Possible

Chairman of the Indonesian General Elections Commission (KPU) Hasyim Asy'ari inaugurated KPU members in 25 districts/cities in five provinces throughout Indonesia for the period 2023-2028."Prepare yourself as well as possible, to convince all parties that the KPU is ready and worthy of being the center of election," said Hasyim at the KPU Office, Jakarta, Antara, Wednesday, July 26.He congratulated the inaugurated KPU members, although the congratulations were most appropriate later, when they finished ending their term of office, due to success in holding elections and regional elections in their respective regions.Hasyim said the inauguration of district/city KPU members at the time of the election stage was underway. Currently, he said, research or verification of documents on the results of improvements for candidates for central, provincial and district/city DPR members, as well as candidates for DPD RI members in their respective provinces.In addition, currently, logistical preparations for voting and preparations are being made to serve voters who move to vote."We ask to immediately make adjustments to the ongoing work rhythm," he said.He reminded that there will be 202 days remaining towards the voting time for Wednesday, February 14, 2024. He also hopes to convey the new situation and rhythm to their respective families.The KPU members in 25 regencies/cities in five provinces throughout Indonesia for the 2023-2028 period who were inaugurated, namely:1. South Sulawesi Provincea. KPU Selayar Islands Regency1) Ahmad S2) Andi Dewantara3) Iskandar4) Mansur Sihadji5) Muhamad Arsatb. Takalar Regency KPU1) A. Jimmi Rusman2) Hamdani Pattiiha3) Ibrahim Salim4) Muhammad Nadir5) Muhammad Ridwan2. Central Sulawesi Provincea. Banggai Regency KPU1) Abd. Rauf R. A. Barri2) Budysastra Bahrun3) Hidayat Helindo4) Mahmud5) Santo Gotiab. KPU Banggai Islands Regency1) Ayub M. Tiah2) Fatharany Blessing Abdul Barry3) Jamaludin Pobalos4) Louis Steven5) Supriatmo Lumuanc. KPU Banggai Laut Regency1) Akhmad2) Randy Pebrianto Lodik3) Siti Hadra A. Safe4) Suryadi Rihama5) Syahrudin M. Tintisd. Buol Regency KPU1) Ali2) Eko Budiman3) Faisal J. Usman4) Gusti Aliu5) Nanange. Palu City KPU1) Alfagih Mugaddam Alhabsyi2) Haris L.3) Idrus4) Iskandar Valley5) Muhamad Musbahf. KPU Morowali Regency1) Adhar2) Ervan3) Mahfud Supu4) Ruslan5) Darisa Sabrig. North Morowali Regency KPU1) Hartati2) Miftahul Haerina3) Niklus Motifier Pe’a4) Rudi Hartono5) Sudarto Ruslanh. KPU Poso Regency1) Alfred Sabinto2) Dewi Yul N.3) Mansur4) Muh. Ridwan Daeng Nusu5) Roni Mathindasi. KPU Tojo Una-Una Regency1) Ahdin L. Nondo2) Arpan Paanda3) Naser Lahay4) Nidaul5) Zakariaj. KPU Tolitoli Regency1) Junaidi2) Marsyuki3) Nasrin4) Rian Virvian Hidayat R. Pelealu5) Warman3. West Sumatra Provincea. Sawahlunto City KPU1) Evildo Ramance2) Febdori Armansyah3) Hamdani4) Rika Arnelia5) Rony Yandri4. West Papua Provincea. Fakfak Regency KPU1) Hendra Joenanddy Crisye Talla2) Marthen Luther Singgir3) Mohammad Idris Rumata4) Nur Hasmiah5) Yosan Massab. KPU Kaimana Regency1) Abdul Haji Kastella2) Abraham Lucas Marlessy3) Candra Kirana4) Julfa Nurul Hidayati5) Yan Putnarubunc. KPU Manokwari Regency1) Alexander Basna2) Christine Ruth Rumkabu3) Jekson Hosyo4) Ronny Frans M. Wanggai5) Sidarmand. KPU South Manokwari Regency1) Emanuel Nuba2) Rudi Matthew Waran3) Uding4) Yosefina Pasolang5) Rustam D. Rumandere. KPU Teluk Bintuni Regency1) Ansyar2) Deni Dorinus Airory3) Eko Priyo Utomo4) Lukman Hasan5) Muhammad Makmur Memed Alfajrif. KPU Teluk Wondama Regency1) Agustina Etina Menufandu2) Bernard Theo Wambrauw3) Laode Abdul Hafid Daeng Parabbo4) Pamenas Yaung5) Yustinus Rumabur5. Southwest Papua Provincea. KPU Maybrat Regency1) Domingus Isir2) Felix Ulis Saisior3) Imanuel Tahrin4) Jonni Naa5)TUal Nauwb. KPU Raja Ampat Regency1) A. Rasyid Nurlette2) Arsad Sehwaky3) Kalansina Aibini4) Mustajib Saban5) Steven Eibec. KPU Sorong Regency1) Abdul Salam2) Frans Leonard Kalaibin3) Frengki Duwith4) Marthen Luther Kambuaya5) Yanthi Kambuayad. South Sorong Regency KPU1) Eliaser Kombado2) Ester3) Frederika Muguri4) Yulius Yarollo5) Yonece Kambue. KPU Tambrauw Regency1) Izak Bofra2) Kosmas Sedik3) Saharul Abdul Karim4) Siti Harbiyantun Arfan5) Septinus George Seaf. Sorong City KPU1) Angel Mainake2) Balthasar Berth Kambuaya3) Hasan Lessy4) Hilman Djafar5) Indra Permana Saragih