Bekasi Metro Police Investigate Two Police Officers Beating In South Cikarang
BEKASI - A man with the initials EA (29) is suspected of being the victim of a beating by a police officer in South Cikarang, Bekasi Regency. This beating went viral on social media.
The video uploaded by the @Kabarnegara account shows two young men claiming to be members of the Bekasi Police approaching the white car that was being driven.
Then the EA driver can be seen from the white car, they had a conversation until finally one of the police officers hit the victim.
Based on the information, the incident occurred on Monday, July 17, at night. On the account, it was explained that this incident was allegedly caused by a satirical action on Whatsapp social media.
Meanwhile, the Bekasi Metro Police Chief, Kombes Pol Twedi Aditya Bennyahdi said his party was investigating the alleged beating.
"The victim's data and addresses are still being traced to determine the perpetrators," said Twedi in a short message, Monday, July 24.